Saturday, July 27, 2024

The damage that can be caused by the smoke of mosquito coils

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Dengue outbreak around. Many people may be lighting coils at home to repel mosquitoes. But do you know how harmful these coils are for health? You may be unknowingly causing danger. So let’s find out exactly what problems can be caused by burning mosquito coils at home.

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Know the problems-
Breathing problems – The fumes emitted by burning mosquito repellent incense can cause breathing problems. It can cause shortness of breath. Apart from this, symptoms like nasal irritation, sore throat, cough may also occur. People with allergy problems or asthma, or colds should stay away from mosquito repellent incense. Never light mosquito coils at home to reduce mosquito infestation. The smoke from coils or incense commonly used to repel mosquitoes also affects your lungs. As a result, in addition to the initial cough problem, major problems may arise later. Carcinogens are present in mosquito repellent incense or mosquito coils. Through this, the condition of the lungs worsens.

Sensitive skin can be a problem – those who have very sensitive skin, i.e. sensitive skin, may experience skin allergies, rashes, itching, redness, etc. from mosquito repellent incense. Mosquito coils contain various heavy metal materials. This list includes aluminum, chromium. These metallic materials cause serious damage to the skin. Various skin problems can occur.

Headache problem – People who are prone to headaches should not keep mosquito coils in the house. Especially few people who get headaches can’t tolerate the smell of mosquito repellent incense. And this smell is very strong. So be careful if you have migraine problem. Even if the mosquito coils are lit in the house, the strong smell and smoke create a suffocating and uncomfortable environment. Therefore, such incense should not be burnt in the house. If there are children and elderly people in the house, keep them away from mosquito coils.

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