Saturday, July 27, 2024

5 benefits of eating with your hands

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5 benefits of eating with your hands

We are more used to eating food with our hands. However, eating with chopsticks or forks is part of the culture in many countries. Many people think that eating with hands is not a healthy habit. But science says, this idea has no foundation. Rather, it is healthier to eat with your hands than with a spoon. But you must wash your hands well before eating.

A report of the Times of India states that food should be eaten with hands instead of spoons for some reason.

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1. Taking food with fingers has a positive effect on digestion. When the food is touched, the nerves located on the skin of the fingers inform the brain about the type of food and accordingly the digestive system prepares to release the digestive juices necessary for digestion.

2. Hands contain a type of bacteria that is harmless and remains on the hands even after cleaning. These bacteria protect the body from various harmful microbes in the environment. As a result, good health is maintained by playing with hands.

3. Eating with the hands is a type of muscle exercise that increases blood circulation.

4. When we eat with our hands, we usually eat slowly. Dramnat is eaten with the help of a spoon. Eating food slowly helps in better digestion.

5. It is possible to eat moderately by eating food with hands. It is possible to stay away from obesity.

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