Saturday, July 27, 2024

Where is the end of the sorrows of the expatriates…

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Where is the end of the sorrows of the expatriates

When I was abroad for a course, I used to share a room with a Bangladeshi brother named Robin. One day I came to the room and saw him packing the luggage.

I smiled and said—- “I’m so happy to see you go to the country!”

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Robin put on the chain of the luggage and said with a smile— “Brother, I am going to the country after 8 years, I will feel happy. I came to see the younger sister so much, and now she is getting married! When my sister sees me, my eyes are filled with tears thinking what she will do with happiness.”

Robin Bhai was talking with a smile, while his eyes were shining with joy. At that time, Robin Bhai’s father asked him on the phone – “Did I hear that you will come to the country?”

Robin Bhai told his father with a smile – “Yes father, I will come.” Little sister’s wedding, can’t the elder brother come?”

From the other side, his father said – “You don’t have to spend so much money! The marriage will be in a domestic environment. Moreover, I have bought new land, money is not a matter? So no need to come!”

After talking to his father, when Robin brother asked his younger sister – “Kire, do you also want me not to come to your wedding?”

The younger sister said – “Indeed, father is spending a lot of money. Bought cattle to feed 400 people. In this situation you don’t have to spend so much money to come to the country!”

When Robin Bhai put down the phone and took down the clothes from the luggage, I asked him – “Brother, won’t you go to the country?”

Robin Bhai said while wiping his tears – “Dad has arranged the wedding for 400 people. If I go, it will be 401 people! Father can’t take responsibility for 1 person, so I won’t go!”

That day I saw the suffering of an expatriate with my own eyes, I saw how the people close to him behave cruelly!

Every day after work, Robin brother would call his younger brother and ask him to send a little video around the house, but the younger brother would get bored and put the phone down, while Robin brother had sent money to that younger brother to buy a bike a few days ago.

When I bought a new iPhone, he took the iPhone in his hand and said – “This is the iPhone?” For which people are so mad!”

I said – “You can also buy an iPhone.” What a phone you use, half broken!”

He laughed and said – “I will buy an iPhone for my younger sister’s son-in-law!”

I looked at him and thought to myself—“Are all expats like that, who don’t even think for themselves?”

Every night Rabin bhai was very itchy, one day I said to him – bro, at least see a doctor now. Your body condition is not very good.

He kept saying, “The amount of money it takes to see a doctor here, my father can buy a new land with that money!”

I used to say angrily – “So you don’t do anything for yourself?”

He used to laugh and say – “I will see a doctor after a few days. In fact, the younger brother will start a new business, for which he will have to send a separate amount!”

Due to this illness, Robin Bhai suddenly passed away one day. When I told his father on the phone, he was crying a lot.

But when I said – I am arranging to send the body. But, if you want to send the body to the country, it will cost about two and a half lakh taka, you should arrange the money. Then his voice changed!

He said, “So much money!” The boy who could not come to the country while alive, what to do with his dead body? You arrange something there!

Show my son’s face on a video call for the last time!”

I wanted to spit in his face. Who thought of nothing but a money making machine for his child!

When I told my younger brother on the phone, “What has your brother done for you, you should arrange to take the body away.”

The younger brother then replied- “Brother did not do anything for him! The younger sister gave the same answer! But all the hobbies of these brothers and sisters are being fulfilled by the elder brother in Kamla Khet abroad!”

There is a human body lying in front of my eyes, but I think it is not a human body! It is a money machine, which has stopped working!

There are many expatriates whose families do not want the person to return to the country even after spending years abroad.

Once that man died doing inhuman labor, but the family did not want to bring the dead body to the country because it would cost money, but the man had suffered forever for the family.

People are really helpless with money, people lose their humanity, lose their humanity, lose their sense of conscience!

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