Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stone Time

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In earlier days people used to go to caves in search of solitude Gautama Buddha became a recluse

In earlier days people used to go to caves in search of solitude. Gautama Buddha became a recluse. The question arose in his mind when he saw human aging and fever, what is the purpose of birth in this world? Are we born to get old, get sick and die? What is the purpose of coming to earth? To get answers to these questions, he left his young wife and son at home and went out on the road. Dropping the crown, he took the ocher seat. He did severe penance in various ways. But severe austerities did not bring peace. Later he returned to the locality to prove that solitude. Everyone looked at him in surprise. Five monks with whom he was friends were discussing the return of Gautama Buddha. Anna Kalam, Uddalok and some others. One of them said, ‘When he comes out, I will not look at him, I will look at the sky.’ Another said, ‘When he comes out, I will be sitting.’ But when Gautama Buddha came out everyone stood up. Then one said, ‘Monk, your sight, your body is so sweet.’ Buddha said nothing to him. The fact is that he earned loneliness and all people noticed his loneliness.

Rhys Javis compares the life of Gautama Buddha with that of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He says, ‘The early life of Gautama Buddha from the stage of sadhana to siddhilav coincides strangely with the life of the Prophet (PBUH). He spent a long time among people, in the tumult of many events, trying to get out of it. Many have seen the Hera cave where he used to practice. At that time, one had to climb up the cave from the city of Makkah, far from the town, through many dangerous routes. That cave still exists, in which the Prophet (PBUH) used to seek solitude. No one knows what he would have done. But after a long pursuit he discovered himself. When the angel from Allah said to him, “You read. You read in the name of Allah. By discovering this existence, he tried to spread the share of existence, accumulation of existence, happiness and joy of existence among different people.

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Professor Syed Ali Ahsan once wrote, ‘I was very close to the very famous French modern poet Pierre Emmanuel. He once asked me at his house in Paris, “When will you find yourself?” Then he said to himself, ‘Look, I am always in this Paris, walking through the streets of Paris, going to various events. But you wouldn’t believe that I don’t hear people on the road when I pass by. I don’t even see the scene of the event when I go to the event and I don’t feel the movement of action in the busyness. I always feel myself.’ I asked how is that possible? In response, he said, ‘It is possible only if people can build concentration in the mind.’

Another famous French writer is Rosec Aiwa. On an invitation, I went to his house and found that his rooms were full of stones. pieces of stone Different colored stones. A variety of stones. Scattered all around. Just rocks and rocks. It is an impossible thing. That is, the most expensive stone in the world is also there; There are also traces of sea shore pebbles. There is also a book of his poems on it. He was asked if he enjoyed it. He said, “stones are the most solitary and people are the most noisy.” We don’t know what the stone wants to say because the stone is lonely. The stone looks at us, the stone stands still. Even in that silence, everything seems to be accumulated. If you see an impossibly blue stone, don’t you think that the joy of the world is completely frozen in it? Or is it not possible to notice the contagion of emotion and excitement even in a red stone? For this reason I have collected stones from different parts of the world.

As now I am alone with my mind. Alone even near the body. All around me now is a terrible solitude. Like Abul Hasan’s poem, I want to say ‘I am not in anything now, I am not in anything’. I am affected by a kind of solitude even from the noise around. I have been attacked by such solitude many times before. The environment here makes me feel lonely. Lonely, empty. I am getting used to solitude. I don’t feel bad! A little hidden from the noise from people. Actually every person is unique. No two people are ever the same. As the shape is not the same, the colors are not the same. Their pronunciation is not the same, their fingerprints are not the same. Only they are one in breathing. They are also independent in terms of inner thoughts. So every human being is a single entity, that single entity has to be discovered. We have lost our loneliness in the busyness of society and family. Our great need today is to discover solitude.

People always think that what they are thinking is not what others are thinking. Maybe some danger is going to happen somewhere, a person thinks the danger is not his. It’s going to be someone else’s. It is a general human tendency. He does not realize the individuality that exists in a human being. One has to dive deep into the soul to realize that indeed I am alone, I am separate, I am different; But I am mixed with everyone, will be among everyone. But despite that I have a personality. It’s a big feeling. Today there is a reign of terror and falsehood all around, every effort is being made to humiliate people, everyone needs to find the purpose of his life to save people from this falsehood and humiliation of the soul. Everyone should think – I am born, what is the claim of my existence? It is through this self-inquiry and self-search that we will know the ultimate truth. Find joy, feel faith and finally find that precious object.

East York, Canada

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