Saturday, July 27, 2024

The vastness of Canada is reflected in its literary landscape

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We will get to know the great worlds imaginative poetic literary novelist people through the writings of writer Subrata Kumar Das

Robert Hayman’s Quodlibates, published in London in 1628, is said to be Canada’s first poetic work. Then came 1769’s ‘The History of Emily Montagu’ – Canlitt’s first novel by Frances Moore Brooke. In 1906, Archibald McMurchy published ‘Handbook of Canadian Literature’ from Toronto. It was the first book ever published on Canadian literature! In this, he says that there is only Rob! By literature, Canada understood British or American literature. McMurchie’s attempt to hide the lack of that.

Although the centenary of Canada’s Confederation was celebrated in 1967, the literary scene is still thriving. Canadian schools and colleges have not yet received the stories, poems or novels of Canadian writers! But Canlit’s renaissance took place in the 1960s. The term canlit is first found in the works of Al Barney.

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In 1962 ‘Can.Lit.’ is written in the name Later in 1969, William French used this phrase in the Globe and Mail newspaper, ‘All of a sudden, we’ve got CanLit coming out of our ears’.

The book “Canadian Literature-Dissociated Thoughts” by Subrata Kumar Das, writer, researcher, essayist, critic and organizer is a treasure trove of such unknown information. Basically, under the pull of his pen, we will know all the incomparable techniques of creating the literary world of Canada. Here he quite consciously presents the stories of lesser-known Canadian poets, writers, literati wandering in literature.

If we look at other names – Alice Munro, Margaret Atwood, MG Vasanjee, Rabindranath Maharaj, Rahintan Mistry, Ian Martel, Mordecai Richler, Marian Angell, Michael Ondadji, Margaret Edwood, Lawrence Hill, David Adams Richards, Izzy Edugon, Miriam Apart from Tawaz, Helen Humphrey, Michael Crummy, or BP Nichle, Denise Lee, Patrick Lane, Lorna Crozier, Suzanne Musgrave, she brings us the rest of the writers who were a little overshadowed by the glittering presence of so many stars. . In this regard, he mentioned a quote by Carol Shields, “Write the book you really want to read, but you can’t find it!” He uses Carroll’s formula to create an interaction with all writers that all readers should absorb.

For a long time, the literary scene here has been bustling with Canadian writers as well as immigrant writers. The words of writers from all over the world have subsequently become Canadian literature. As the poet and editor Jim Johnstone says, “You write your words. Your words become Canadian literature.” There is no doubt that the whole world’s literary galaxy is flowing in one country!

We will get to know the imaginative, poetic, literary, novelist people of that big world through the writings of writer Subrata Kumar Das. His journey to find literary artisans started from Valu Village. And gradually he took us to the World Village. Because we now call the world a global village.

Among the main books we find a total of eighty-eight Canadian poets, writers, writers discussing their literary beginnings, their rise, creations and achievements. Every page of this book is full of fascinating aspects of their lives and information. For the convenience of the readers, I have divided the book into three sections – Canadian writers, immigrant Canadians, and finally poets.

I myself have been living in Halifax, Nova Scotia for about three years, but learned the story of the terrible explosion of 1917 through Hugh McLennan’s “Rising Barometer”. With this writing he paints a picture of Canada during the First World War as well as a devastated town that was unknown. Visit the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia to learn about the Aboriginal people who were originally the first people to settle in this country. Emily Carr has done the difficult task of introducing them to us through extensive drawing and writing. Every literary man has inspired us in different ways to whet our appetite for literature. Be it the announcement of the gigantic prize of 10,000 dollars received by Mazo de la Roche in 1927! The novel “Jalna” created by mixing history and fantasy in his writing makes the reader interested in reading history and at the same time enters a mysterious world. He has captivated any student in this writing of fifteen episodes one by one. Through Gabriel Roy, whose family name is “Roy” even though he is not Bengali, we will learn about the reconstruction of Montreal and Manitoba society after the Second World War. Each author’s book or work is a means of wandering in different worlds! George Bowring was one of the greats, equally adept at poetry and literature, but was always in pursuit of innovation. The writings of this devoted seeker of alphabets and words are a must read. One of the most difficult tasks in literature is certainly translation. It’s amazing how Sheila Fishman has spread the French language across Canada like a unique icon. Not all literary writers write in a smooth, orderly manner, some of them take a stand against the conventional trend. Bill Bissett’s rambling writing style embodies such a scenario for all. The most respected person in Canada is called the Governor General. With David Johnston in that position, we will learn about the entire history and heritage of Canada. Everyone is interested in traveling as well as me. On the one hand, as we get to know the history anew by going to a place, the search for that place gives rise to new thoughts in our minds. Kathy Osler’s ‘Karma’ is one such novel. His writings on Kaabakar are based on the interaction of traveling to sixteen countries. The coexistence of pain alongside laughter is eternal. In Matt Cohen’s voice, he takes suffering as an aesthetic.

This time, I am highlighting the words of those who, despite being immigrants, have wandered in literature while carrying their native identity in Canada. Even though we come from abroad, like them, we all call this country our own country. First, Susanna Modi, showed the position of women in our then conservative society, inspired to break the veil of slavery. Stephen Laycock reminds Santosh Dutt. Who was a lawyer by profession but was the king of humor in acting. Robert Service is on his way to the state of Yukon. And no such writer is seen to tell the story of the search for gold in this distant country. It reminds me of Sindabad’s conquest of Saptasindu, the wonderful country where no one goes back! Irving Leighton “And me happiest when I composed poems!” No matter what context Leighton’s poetry is said, I want to say, “And I am the most ecstatic when I play with words!” Among literary enthusiasts there are those who, despite being pundits, love to study the writings of others. Cherish those writings to different degrees, carefully. PK Paige is the one who weaves everyone’s work into a beanie garland of one thread. Carol Shields says to write the books we couldn’t find in the library. Realize for yourself how much power is hidden in a line of few words and become a literary practitioner. Harold Sonny Lado and Pat Lowther remind me of poet Sukantha. Who left us too soon. Floating in an ocean of grief, Lado has also set up different definitions and characteristics of life. Familiarizing with mythical characters, conversing with them is always a habit. I firmly believe that they never go away. Stay among us. If you read Ven Begamudra’s writing, you will feel the same. I’ve seen a lot of stories about dreams, I’ve forgotten most of them, but that’s what Ven chose as his route. Every day in the news, we see the death of refugees on the way to immigration and forget it! Have you ever thought of those who are buried if someone is of your blood? Tima Kurdi’s writing will highlight that scene. Does not the writing become more powerful with anger! Check Tima’s writing for yourself whether it is true or not.

In the words of poets, “We tend to mean Canada, when we say Pardy” – said George Bowring. A number of questions spring to mind – firstly, why has Al Purdy been called the writer’s undeclared poet laureate? Second, why Michael Ondadji called Purdy a bad poet? On the other hand, he is being called the poet of the people. Hope you find these questions. A writer has an intense painful chapter. He even has a taste for falling to his death. Such is Milton Archon. “My poems are born out of great struggle of silence” says Phyllis Webb. Everyone lost rhythm while writing. Sometimes it seems that the pen is not moving anymore. Mosi’s power is constantly being eliminated. Gwendolyn McEwan befriends the universe as she searches for her last moments.
Said, “My last command is to let me die!”

The book in question seemed to me to be a means of communicating with some of the unknown literary lovers of Canada and wandering in its world. I hope that its world will expand further in the future with the support of literary fans from different parts of the world. Know new, read, encourage everyone – this is the motto of walking in the world of literature.

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