Saturday, July 27, 2024

Our well-known Orangeberry

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The scientific name of Orangeberry tree is Glycosmis pentaphylla Glycosmis pentaphylla and its synonym is Glycosmis arborea Glycosmis arborea

My childhood was spent in the open fields of Jessore, in the open air, laughing and playing. Back then there were lots of open fields for running, ponds for splashing…swimming. The forest was for wandering. At that time our residence was in Jessore city. There was a big open field next to our house. On the north side of the field was a very old high school. Behind the two-storied school building was a large garden, almost like a jungle. Filled with many kinds of plants. It was there that I saw the first chala tree. I was surprised to see the flowers of the Chalte tree. It is a beautiful flower. Sometimes he was very afraid to enter that forest. Even then, I used to run there again and again with the attraction of some kind of tiny pink colored fruit. Ms. The fruits were delicious to look at as well.

One day I brought home some fruit by hand. My mother saw it and said, it is the fruit of Kayathuti. Mother grew up in Pabna-Rajbari area. The tree is probably called Kayathuti in its inhabited area. The people of our area in Jessore, however, called it Datan tree. It was there that I first met Orangeberry or Datan tree. My brother-in-law, Shafi Bhai, used to go to the forest in the early hours of the morning, and return with a toothpick in his hand. He used to brush his teeth with that. Shafi Bhai used to bring neem pulse sometimes. As neem dal is bitter, I preferred dantan dal more. In addition to this, some other dental pulp was sold in the market. We did not know about any other use of tooth tree then.

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The scientific name of Orangeberry tree is Glycosmis pentaphylla (Glycosmis pentaphylla) and its synonym is Glycosmis arborea (Glycosmis arborea). Citrus is a member of Rutaceae family. Different types of lemon trees fall into this citrus family. Important fruit trees that belong to this family are oranges, lemons and grapefruits. This fruit is commonly known as orange berry or gin berry. Known in Bangladesh as Orangeberry, Banzamir, Motkila, Datan or Toothpaste tree. This tree is called by many different regional names in different areas of Bangladesh.

This tree grows carelessly in the forest. flowering plant. Evergreen shrub or small tree. Native to Asia. Habitat: Southeast Asia and northern parts of Australia. Found throughout southern China, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippine Islands and Bangladesh. . Also planted as an ornamental in various parts of the tropics. The fruits are sweet and fleshy. The gin berry got its name because of its spicy gin-like flavor. They are cultivated for their pink colored sweet fruit. In warmer regions this tree can be planted as a house plant. Seedlings are produced from seeds and seedlings are also produced from cuttings. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year. Can grow in all open spaces. This plant likes sunlight. It is better to have water drainage system. Does not require much nutrition.

Orangeberry grows widely in Bangladesh and India and hence has various regional names. Where this tree grows. Datan trees can be seen in forests, roadsides, ponds, thick bushes in the villages of Bangladesh. Can grow anywhere without any care. Grows undisturbed even under large trees in the forest. This plant has a special smell. The height is from one to one and a half meters. In some information the height is said to be up to 5 meters. Inflorescences orbicular and terminal, panicle-like, bracts up to 15 cm long. The diameter of the fruit is 8-10 mm. Each fruit contains a seed. Children love to eat the fruits of this tree. Sometimes adults also like to eat. People of some countries like to eat its fruits. Not much planted as an ornamental in gardens. In cold countries, this plant is planted indoors or in pots in greenhouses.

These plants and fruits are collected from the forest mainly for food and medicine. This plant is used in many indigenous medicines. Once upon a time people used to survive by using this Kaviraji medicine. The plant is used medicinally in various parts of Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh and India. Almost all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Very beneficial for health. This plant is often used in traditional medicine alone or in combination with other medicines. The medicine of this plant is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, rheumatic fever, anemia, skin diseases and jaundice. In Taiwanese folk medicine, inflammation, itching, scabs, ulcers, etc. are treated. In Java the root is used in bilious problems and intestinal problems. In Vietnam, crushed leaves are used to increase appetite in women after childbirth.

A number of alkaloids and amides have been isolated from this plant which are reported to have biological activity. Glycozolidol and carbazole alkaloids isolated from the roots in the laboratory are active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Extracts of stem and bark help heal damaged liver lesions. Root bark extract helps cure diarrhoea. Fertilizers obtained by decoction of the roots (boiled to extract the fertilisers) stop vomiting. A mixture of ginger and leaf extract is used to treat eczema and skin infections. A decoction of the root is used for facial wounds or infections.
Experts are not yet worried about the existence of this tree as it can still grow and grow all over Bangladesh. As the tree is not under threat, no initiative has been taken yet to save this tree in Bangladesh.

Orangeberry is a readily available plant with many uses. More research is needed to know all its benefits. Every medicine has some side effects. Orangeberry may not be an exception. So it is safe to consult an expert before using this highly effective herb. More extensive research is needed to make full or proper use of this herb. Almost every plant in nature has different medicinal properties. Scientists or researchers should come forward to find solutions from nature for the welfare of human beings.

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