Saturday, July 27, 2024

The mountain of endurance

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Dont build yourself up as a mountain of tolerance one day that mountain will sit on your chest suffocating you

Don’t make yourself a mountain of tolerance, one day that mountain will sit on your chest, suffocate you. At work, at home, and outside, Meher continues like a puppet with a key. But today he is no longer a flesh-and-blood human being, just doing his duty like a puppet given a key. There is no joy or excitement in it. He doesn’t like anything. Everything seems meaningless and unbearable. Nothing pleases the mind.

When the two sentences are alone, the beginning is remembered. He laughs and cries alone thinking about all the days left behind. Many times you don’t realize when the tears are rolling down the corners of your eyes. Meher goes back to the past… Naveen is obsessed with his then newly wedded wife, Meher. He feels quite good in the club-relatives’ house, in the presence of friends. He feels quite proud to walk around with Meher. Obsessively, Naveen said to Meher one day, “I will go out dressed up, but with me, everyone says, my daughter-in-law is the most beautiful.” Meher laughed and said, “What a crazy father!”

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In this way, for quite some time, Meher started to miss his job-dance-education even though he went out, blew the fanush of love, ate the air of love. One day suddenly Naveen surprised Meher by buying two plane tickets. They will go on honeymoon to see the Taj Mahal. Going forward to the history of love, a new history will be created. Meher gets emotional like any other girl. Meher had never been away from her mother, and even after marriage she used to visit her childhood friend, Nanu, every evening. On the one hand, the joy of visiting the Taj Mahal on honeymoon, on the other hand, there is a pressing pain of not seeing Ammu and Nanu. As the day of departure approaches, Meher feels a mixed feeling. She is overjoyed to go on honeymoon with the newly married Naveen, but still misses Ammu, Nanu, and her friends so much. He might be a little like that. He still couldn’t understand the love thing completely. To keep himself and his emotions under strict control all his life, he can no longer give them life. And besides, they got married after only six months of acquaintance with Navin. Their love is not yet fully frozen. Naveen is acting very romantically, but things are taking some time to normalize with Meher. Meher never realized love in his whole life. His life was like a machine so far. Her life revolved around studies, dancing, and family. He never had time to watch any romantic movies. Today Navin’s madness is just learning what love is.

After leaving for India, Meher was already crying for Amma, meanwhile the immigration officer scolded them. Both were young then. Only twenty one and twenty three. The immigration officer looked suspiciously at the two young men in jeans, with backpacks on their backs. After a while, listen to the officer next to him and point at them. The other officer then came forward, pushed his spectacles down, placed them just above the tip of his nose, looked over them with a very angry and stern look, and suddenly said gravely, ‘What, run away from home?’

Meher wept in shock at the officer’s behavior, and the officer felt quite satisfied that his apprehension was true. Seeing the questioning look of the officer, Meher burst into tears. Naveen meanwhile is quite smart. He held Meher’s hand tightly on one side, lightly pressed Meher’s hand, Naveen Keshe said, “Why should we run away from home?” Getting married, going on honeymoon with my bride.’ The officer did not expect such a haughty reply. So he shook and coughed, ‘I say, is there anything in the paper? Is it because of the wife? See the marriage certificate? Navin was very angry. Naveen, the eldest son of an industrialist father, is very angry and outspoken. He straightened his collar and said, ‘You mean when you go out with your wife, come out with a certificate?’ At this, the people around all laughed. The officer said, ‘Look, both of you look minor. If I can’t show the paper, I have to call the family and confirm. Whatever you do, do it.’

Naveen said, ‘Okay, I’ll tell you. Let’s come from the washroom.’ As soon as he reached the washroom, he called his father’s manager and said, ‘Kaku, if the immigration officer calls you now, father will talk to you. That’s why he explained the incident in brief. From time to time, the manager handles various tasks for Uncle Naveen. And Naveen never takes any such favor from his parents for his ego. He feels very prestigious about everything. And he always wants to act a bit more mature than his age. However, when the officer calls, Kaku takes over, Naveen escapes and leaves for Kolkata with Meher. It was a very happy few days. Roaming, eating, shopping, watching movies, seeing all the sights, arrived in front of the expected Taj Mahal.

In Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, during these 16 years, from 1632 to 1648, Emperor Shah Jahan built his royal mausoleum in the memory of his beloved wife, Arjumand Banu Begum (Mumtaz Mahal), using an exquisite architectural style. Standing at that tomb, Naveen saw his dear Meher in the twilight’s crimson light. Holding Meher’s two hands, looking at the stars in his eyes, he reads all the unsaid words, says the unsaid words with his own eyes.

Days were going pretty well for them, it seemed, this was life. By the end of the India tour, both had learned to love each other very much, to love each other intensely. But Meher could not understand that there would be a condition in between. Both of them came back in time, their normal life started.

But it was Meher’s turn to yield, accept, and make concessions. One by one, Meher has to leave his accustomed life, the life he lived like Nez, at the end of the day everyone says, ‘married, now accept, this is life.’ Meher starts accepting, wants to adapt to his new life for Naveen. Naveen loves him very much. But the love of Meher’s dance! Naveen’s terrible enmity with that dance. Sometimes he hides Meher’s nupur and sometimes he poisons Meher’s mind by making some trivial comment.

Meher was practicing dance that afternoon. Naveen suddenly came from the office and stopped the music and said, “Let’s go out for a bit.”

Meher: I have a dance show tomorrow. I have to practice.

Navin: And what will happen with practice? Leave it! Let’s go for a walk instead

Meher: I am going to visit everyday. Leave these two days today and tomorrow.

Navin: Your dance is bigger than me?

Meher: No, why be bigger than you? And why compare with you? It is a hobby of mine. And since childhood, I practice dancing regularly. And tomorrow’s show is very important, I have to perform well.

Naveen: I don’t want you to dance anymore.

Meher: It is not necessary to say this in haste. Dance is my lifelong love, I can’t give it up.

Young, intelligent boy. He knows how to kill a snake and not break a stick. He suddenly went home and called his mother saying that she wants to see him tomorrow evening. This is the first time since marriage that Meher is disturbed by her mother-in-law’s demands. Mother advised to ask mother, of course before mother-in-law’s abdar. Not for the dance show, Meher has to go to her in-laws tomorrow. This is how the fall began. After that, hundreds of thousands of requests, requests and instructions continued to be added.

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