Friday, May 3, 2024

Ontario Celebrates the Accomplishments of 16 Outstanding Seniors

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The Ontario government is celebrating the accomplishments of 16 outstanding seniors for their contributions to their communities and to the province.

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“I am pleased to recognize the impressive recipients of the 2022 Ontario Senior Achievement Award,” said the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario. “I would like to thank each person for their outstanding contributions to their communities and for making a positive difference in the lives of Ontarians.”

Recipients of the Ontario Senior Achievement Award are helping to improve the lives of Ontarians of all ages through community services and humanitarian activities. This includes fundraising, leading community beautification projects, helping with programs such as Meals on Wheels, volunteering in hospitals, local churches, senior organizations, retirement homes and long-term-care homes. They also support and empower our aging population by serving as advocates for veterans, the homeless, new immigrants, the Francophone community, people with disabilities and job seekers.

“Congratulations to all the Senior Achievement Award recipients,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “I am inspired by your dedication in helping seniors across our province. On behalf of all Ontarians, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for your commitment and exceptional service. You are role models for our future and for all ages.”

“Ontario’s seniors have played a vital role in building our province into the strong, diverse and prosperous place it is today,” said Michael Ford, Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism. “Congratulations to all those being recognized with this year’s Ontario Senior Achievement Award for their dedication, passion, and service to their communities. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to make Ontario a better place.”

The recipients are being recognized by Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell and Minister Cho at a recognition ceremony in the Lieutenant Governor’s Suite.

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