Saturday, July 27, 2024

Life and illusion

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A west facing flat on the fourth floor of the six storey building is vacant at first glance Parveens house seems to be exactly what she wanted

The landlady came to Parveen and said, ‘Look, mother, there are families in all the flats in my house, if everyone complains on your name, I have nothing to do here. Look elsewhere.’

‘Jananinivas’ is carved on the wood near the gate of the house and when a passerby walks past this house he looks at the house at least once. This house is worth looking at in awe. Parveen finds this house when she is tired of searching for a house like hers.

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A west facing flat on the fourth floor of the six-storey building is vacant, at first glance Parveen’s house seems to be exactly what she wanted. Finding a like-minded person and a like-minded home are both difficult these days. There are no houses around this house, enough light and air will be available. Two large rooms, both rooms have balconies.

Three years ago today, Parveen went to the west side flat on the fourth floor of Jananinivas. They have a small family of three, his mother and daughter Arnie. Orni is now in class six.

It takes about ten minutes to go to this house from Parveen’s college where she teaches. Parveen is very happy to get a house that is like her heart from all sides. However, Arnie was a little upset, after a few days, Arnie did not like his mother’s change of residence. But Arnie is very happy when he sees this house of Jananinivas. Looking at the house, two eyes fell in fascination. When our eyes see the sight of something beautiful, at that moment a kind of joy returns inside the mind.

On the first day of coming home, the whole day was spent cleaning the house. Parveen was accompanied by her mother and Arnie helping out. In the evening, when Parveen lay down on the bed, I did not realize when she fell asleep due to the fatigue of the whole day.

Parveen did not want to leave this house of Jananinivas, she has to leave Jananinibas for the same reason every time she has to leave home.

Parveen’s neighbor Sabina told the landlord first. Sabina’s brother Sohail lived in the house where Parveen lived earlier. Sabina heard everything from her brother Sohail. When Parveen meets Sohail on the stairs Parveen thinks something will happen.

Sabina Apa is like the network of this house, Parveen’s word spread to all the women of this house, the male members of her house knew from the women. Whenever someone meets Parveen after that, they look with hatred in their eyes, as if Parveen is a big criminal.

Parveen went to put wet clothes on the roof and met Jahanara aunty on the third floor. Jahanara aunty came and stood next to Parveen. Parveen asked, how are you aunty? If Jahanara asked Aunty Parveen without answering the question, would Parveen tell the truth what I heard? Parveen said, what happened aunty? Jahanara aunty said, I heard that your daughter Arni does not have a father, you are not married. Parveen said, who heard from aunty? Jahanara aunty says that everyone in the house is saying that this daughter of yours is from an illegal relationship, the child is out of wedlock, then Orni’s father has run away.

Parveen did not know what to say. Parveen said, aunty has cooked on the stove and we will talk later, so Parveen went down. Now she is facing the same fear that Parveen was afraid of when she was here for three years. Parveen has been running away since the birth of Arni.

Listening to the people of this society, Parveen now feels that they are pouring poison in her face, as if Parveen has gradually lost her motivation to live.

Siraj was two batch senior of Parveen’s varsity. Siraj taught Parveen what it means to love, Parveen never gets tired of listening to Siraj’s words all day long, Parveen doesn’t know why she loves this man so much.

Seven people from Parveen’s department decided to go on a tour to India, Parveen took Siraj on that tour. Siraj is impressed as a person, hearing that Siraj will be there, the rest got a little more confidence. Since Siraj has toured India with his friends before, Siraj knows everything.

Everyone knows about Parveen’s relationship with Siraj, so no one had any objection to Parveen’s association with Siraj. Parveen could not afford to ignore Siraj’s call in those cold mountain nights. The body is parallel to the mind, just as Siraj’s mind has taken over Parveen’s body as well. It’s like a new night, getting to know Siraj anew. As soon as Siraj comes near, Parveen becomes intoxicated.

That tour was the bane of Parveen’s life, as much as those nights were bright, they are now dragging Parveen into darkness.

Parveen was scared after seeing some symptoms, after getting tested, Parveen’s report came positive.

Parveen tells Siraj, Siraj said to spoil the baby. Parveen says I won’t spoil the child, let’s get married now. Although Siraj agrees to marry Parveen, nine days later Siraj breaks all contact with Parveen and leaves for Sydney. Siraj never contacted Parveen after that.

Parveen did not spoil the child. Parveen himself made a mistake, why should a child be punished for the mistake, who will be deprived of the light of the world, will not be able to see the morning of the world, will not be able to see the beautiful night, will not be able to reach out his hand and touch the rain water on a rainy day. Parveen wants to see the light of the world by killing the child, how will he survive here? Yes Parveen made a mistake, those nights were sunk in sin, but she cannot commit another big sin to cover that sin.

Arni comes across Parveen’s lap. Parveen started to live with Parveen like a floating frog in water. When this incident of Parveen became known, they no longer stayed in that house.

Parveen had to leave Jananivas too. Arnie went to the new house. Parveen is a good mother even if the sins of Parveen’s life don’t fall on her daughter. The mother who runs away so that the darkness of her life does not fall on her daughter

Parveen wants to quit the college job, but if she quits this job, she has no choice but to beg her way. Parveen takes the transfer and leaves the city far away with Arnie, far away where no dark shadow can fall on mother and daughter.

Orni passed the SSC with the highest marks in the whole of Bangladesh. Parveen was more sad than happy to hear the news. Big articles will be printed about Arnie in newspapers, journalists will come to interview him, maybe someday everything will become known. Parveen wants Arnie to never know anything.

Parveen leaves Rajshahi and goes to Chittagong with Arni. Arni’s college life started in Chittagong.

Parveen thinks Arni doesn’t know anything. But Arnie heard it all from his grandmother when he was in class nine. Ernie knew the reason for this mother’s sudden departure from home. But Ernie never let his mother understand anything. Arnie has a crush on his mother, a lot of crush. I want to hug my mother for a while and say, mother, look, your daughter is by your side, even if the whole world is against me, I know that my mother is the best mother in the world. When Arnie has a fight with his girlfriends, he goes home and hugs his mother, but his mother can’t tell anyone about his grief. Arnie feels a lot of love for his mother, he is upset. Ernie knew his father was dead, but something Ernie never knew.

As always, Arnie did well in college. Orni was admitted to Chittagong University. Parveen sees how much that little Orni has grown today, Orni is now taller than Parveen. Tears come to Parveen’s eyes these days when she looks at her daughter.

Arnie’s university life is over and now he is studying for BCS. The girl sits with books all day Parveen feels bad, these days the girl’s eyes have gone to prison.

Arni got the highest marks in BCS and was recommended to the administration cadre. After seeing the result Arni left for his mother’s college. Parveen is sitting in the library, Arnie comes and says mom wait. Parveen left the chair and stood up. Arni hugs Parveen crying and says mother your daughter is now BCS cadre. Both mother and daughter began to cry, Parveen’s many years of crying as if she is crying today. The rest of the teachers are watching the crying of the mother and daughter, don’t stop the crying of the mother and daughter.

Several television reporters visited Arnie’s home to learn about his journey and feelings of being the first in the BCS.

Arni sat his mother by his side today, let the whole country see Parveen today. Parveen will not run away from today, her days of running away are over. Arnie said that everything I have today is because of my mother. I used to be very angry with my mother since childhood due to one of my mother’s behavior, mother would change the house after a few days. Sometimes from one city to another. When I asked my mother or grandmother, no one said anything. Only my mother used to leave the house without any reason, but this society forced my mother to run away invisibly. Mother has brought me so far by swallowing a thousand questions, dirty words. My mother will not run away from today. The Arnie that you know the whole country today is because of this woman.

Arnie’s throat tightens, unable to speak, only crying. Parveen got up and hugged her daughter. Mother and daughter are crying…

Many girls’ eyes are wet with tears after seeing this scene of mother and daughter crying. Some secretly wept after watching videos of Parveen and Arni, regretting not being as brave as Parveen. Inside Arnie, some see the child of his that they didn’t let see the light of day.

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