Saturday, July 27, 2024

A little while with Pavel Rahman

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Those who have a little knowledge about pictures photographs or the slightest interest in the countrys political and social affairs they must know about Pavel Rahmans creativity

I don’t think there is any need to renew the identity of Pavel Rahman! Those who have a little knowledge about pictures (photographs) or are interested in political and social affairs of the country – they must know about Pavel Rahman’s creativity!

Pavel Rahman Ekushey Award winning photographer. He started taking pictures since childhood. Photography was taught by his father. Born in Rangpur in 1956, Pavel studied at Jessore District School and finally at Dhaka University. From 1973 until recently, he worked in various local and foreign newspapers and news agencies. Even though he has entered retirement, he has not stopped photography at all!

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Pavel has gained wide recognition and fame for several of Bangabandhu’s unadorned films. In addition, numerous photographs of the country’s socio-economic and political scene taken by him have been printed in national and foreign newspapers. The historical picture of the protesting young martyr Nur Hossain during the anti-dictatorship Ershad movement put Pavel Rahman at the peak of fame.

This evening Pavel went to Bengal Shilpalaya. As usual I was also hanging out with some of Anujpratim’s friends. Suddenly, I saw a tall gentleman coming to my table and smiling softly! Because of the cap on his head, I was shocked at first sight and could not recognize him! After a few seconds, my brain responded! Pavel Bhai said with a soft cry and extended my hand towards him.

Then many words, many stories.

The stories don’t want to end. Meanwhile, Bengal rang their ‘farewell bell’ by announcing over the mic as 9pm struck. What else to do! Then I went to a nearby restaurant with Pavel Rahman. There was a marathon story going on for about an hour and a half.

There was talk about an album of his life’s photos taken ‘Prakash Bukhta’! Maybe one day the book containing his extraordinary work will be published. ……Pavel is not just sitting idly by wanting to release a book/album though. He is traveling from one end of the country to the other. The story of Bangabandhu is being told to people of different generations, the story of the pictures that aroused response.

In the early eighties (’81) when I went on the streets with a video camera as an assistant cameraman of a foreign news organization (UPTIN) – Pavel Rahman was one of the elders I met on the streets. I was very impressed with the very handsome, handsome photographer Pavel Rahman and his photography workshop! After a while friendship became in the bend of time, in the gap of work.

I was very impressed by the photography and work style of legendary photographer Rashid Talukder as well as Pavel Rahman. At that time, besides these two, there were many other beloved photographers on the street – whom I am a huge fan of. I respect and love all those photographers.

I think – Pavel Rahman is a wandering explorer of the history of post-independence Bangladesh! He has grown with time. Through his pictures, he captures the ongoing history of the country, expresses it as best he can. Riddha has made the history of photography of the country. He is great.

Let the photograph be the reflection of the revealed truth of life.

I wish the photo-artist Pavel Rahman a long and healthy life.

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