Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ararat: Love relationship

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Ararat Love relationship

There are hundreds of content on YouTube, TV, Web as Valentine’s Day content. Many are very premium, mean well and tell different stories. But everyone has tried to keep love as a common theme, which can create a monotonous attitude among many. From that side, Vicky Zaheed has walked in the opposite direction.

‘Araraat’ also has a love affair story but it is very unusual and frightening. In addition to the common form of relationship, there are various crises of breaking up the relationship. We have verbally brought divorce, divorce and alienation to a very practical level.

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However, this series is a representation of how much impact their negative reactions can have on the religious and spiritual level. This name is used in the story for a logical reason. But moving away from the ‘Ararat’ relationship beyond the name or the mystery brings out a terrible danger.

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