Saturday, July 27, 2024

The crisis of knowledge and the search for true knowledge

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Memorizing a subject perfectly and memorizing enough information is not true knowledge However knowledge is now considered to be memorization of information and non comprehensive reading

Memorizing a subject perfectly and memorizing enough information is not true knowledge. However, knowledge is now considered to be memorization of information and non-comprehensive reading. If man could not discover the true nature of knowledge or depend only on imitation or following from the beginning of the creation of the world to the present, then he would not be able to discover himself and his intelligence. True knowledge is the connection of truth with thought, knowledge is the realization of the truth by uncovering the external and internal ultimate nature of a subject.

The memorization of information to acquire institutional and traditional knowledge is failing to create humanity in people rather it is creating arrogant and unethical wise men. Those who can discover the true nature of knowledge and connect thought with truth only become modest. Those who fail to discover the Self become arrogant. This pride is enhanced by being a student or teacher in a higher education institution, sometimes by being a student in a good department in a university recognized by the society or being a top student in a class. Ahmad Chafa said about pride of knowledge, “Students of big institutions learn pride more than knowledge.”

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According to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche about the discovery of the nature of truth and true knowledge, “Man has named all the objects of the world with specific metaphorical meanings and established them as absolute truths.” Each object has different properties. To understand each object, one must look for the hidden truth and uniqueness within that object. It is only through the discovery of this sense of distinction that the nature of the subject or object which is real truth and knowledge can be discovered.”

According to Nietzsche, “man is aware of the knowledge scripted by society but because he does not know the nature of this knowledge, he exposes his weakness by boasting of knowledge.” Sometimes the truth accepted by the society stands in the way of uncovering the real truth. Wise men without a touch of truth think they are thought of by ordinary people and think wise. Its secret is ignorance of the real truth. The more a man realizes the truth, the more he is freed from pride and becomes truly wise.”

The ongoing trend of accepting allegorical truths created by society as real truths corresponds to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave theory. Where Plato shows, some people are imprisoned in a cave for a long time with their hands and feet tied. Shadows of some animals floated in front of them and they accepted that shadow as the real truth. One day one of the captives breaks free and comes out of the cave and discovers the real truth and realizes that the shadow they believed to be the truth is just an illusion.

Plato theorizes that what society has long accepted as true can also be false. Understanding and discovering the real truth requires breaking the shackles of knowledge created by society.

Famous author Emerson wrote ‘Self Reliance’ to find truth and truth. In this essay he repeatedly emphasizes the individuality of the individual. It says to believe in yourself before believing in anything else in the world. People can find truth and knowledge only if they believe in themselves, they can find divine light. It is said to feel free to ignore the accepted truth of society if it stands in the way of going one’s way. The true sages of the world have given new theories and information to the world by discovering the nature of the traveling truth. The mystery that a man can extract from life and the world even though it is not socially recognized is therefore his knowledge, therefore truth. Kazi Nazrul Islam in his essay ‘Amar Path’ mentioned with a strong heart – “My truth is my path.”

Socrates again emphasizes moral excellence. According to Socrates, when man becomes morally active and seeks truth, he becomes aware of spiritual, spiritual and practical truths. And this truth is knowledge. Grasping this truth and his available knowledge, Socrates is forced to drink hemlock by the then king, accepting death.

People are failing to acquire real knowledge in the age of imitation. But Emerson said, “Imitation” is suicide. By realizing the truth without imitation, man approaches true knowledge, and it is the excellence of this knowledge that will save him from the arrogance of knowledge, immorality. The more he can uncover the truth the more he will know, the more he will discover true knowledge.

Writer : journalist and student, Comilla University

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