Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ recognizes the four-year anniversary of the release of National Inquiry’s Final Report

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On June 3, the publication of Reclaiming Power and Place will mark its fourth anniversary: The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Final Report.

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Governments all over Canada are still being pushed to take action by this historic report, which was influenced by the opinions of family members, victims of violence, experts, and Knowledge Keepers. It obviously recognizes that Canadian regulations and foundations were propagating infringement against the privileges of Native ladies, young ladies and Two-Spirit+ individuals and approached all state run administrations to accomplish more. Through 231 calls for equity, the report additionally gave guidance to legislatures, foundations, social specialist organizations, ventures and all Canadians on how they should all impact genuine change for Native ladies, young ladies and Two-Spirit+ individuals.

The Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ hears this call to act as strongly as it did when the report was first released on the document’s four-year anniversary. The Panel likewise recognizes the cruel truth of MMIWG2S+ keeps on affecting families in the Yukon today. The Committee is committed to achieving Changing the Story to Upholding Dignity and Justice: Keeping families and survivors at the center of its work Strategy for Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit+ People Missing and Murdered in Yukon.

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