Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Canada’s National River Conservation Works

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Water brings life to the soul so water is sacred to us in inner and spiritual thoughts

Water brings life to the soul, so water is sacred to us in inner and spiritual thoughts.

With blood flowing through our veins, supporting all life. Water fulfills all our daily needs, keeps us healthy. A major source of aquifers in western Canada; Across Canada, rivers flowing through surrounding communities and beyond the Rockies do wonders to sustain our ecosystems.

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It should be noted here that Canada’s rivers are also diverse. Sources are in the west, so naturally many rivers flow from the Rockies to the Pacific Ocean on the west coast. As the land of Canada slopes from west to east, some rivers come down from the Rockies and flow eastward, passing through various provinces and lakes, before falling into the Atlantic called Nanah. Even if they originate in the Rockies or in the western region, the two meet in the Arctic Ocean through various lakes and rivers and tributaries.

Another feature of water flow in Canada’s rivers and lakes is that the western and eastern regions are radically different; The western region is mostly grassy plains and the lakes are relatively small but very beautiful and they may not be connected to each other except for two exceptions so vast areas are drained by rivers. In contrast, eastern lakes are much larger and are usually connected to each other by rivers or channels (sometimes man-made), such as the Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Deer, Michigan, Erie, and Lake Ontario). The resulting flow of water is controlled by the Great Lakes to the south, and the vast Hudson Bay to the north.

It is awe-inspiring to think how the melting snow of the Rocky Mountains enlivens, sustains and sustains us thousands of miles across this land of Canada. In addition, Canada’s northern provinces are covered with snow most of the year, which keeps the rivers rich.

For these reasons, Canada has a strong program called National River Conservation. From coast to coast to coast, Canadian rivers and lakes have historically given people the opportunity to experience pristine waterways, learn about their rich history, and share in their stewardship. The Canadian River System helps recognize and preserve these outstanding rivers, which are an enduring part of our national heritage and identity.

Canada’s rivers have played an important role in the country’s history and cultural heritage; As a transportation route for the indigenous people, even long after the Europeans arrived, they connected the country east-west and north-south along river routes long before railroads and other forms of transportation. They have also been a source of water, food and entertainment for thousands of years. Below is a list of some of the longest and most notable rivers in Canada. The rivers on the list are not limited to those within Canadian borders. Similarly, the length quoted is the length of the main stem of the river and does not include tributaries.

Yukon River 3,185 km:
In Canada, the Yukon River and its headwaters cross the tribal territories of the Tr’ondek Hoach’in, Tuchon, Tagish, and Tlingit. With good reason, the river became the center of the indigenous cultural landscape. The story cycle of the Athapaskan hero Tachokai (“The Traveler”) tells of the creation of both rivers and time. According to these stories, birchbark canoes were built along this river (riverboats, an ancient invention), where it extended to the southern end of Lake Labarge.

Peace River 1,923 km:
The Peace River joins the Mackenzie River system in the Northeast Territory as one of its major tributaries. The name Peace River actually came from the signing of a peace treaty between the warring Cree and Dene tribes on a section of the river in 1781. As a result, the river was named ‘Peace River’. The flow of this river meets the Mackenzie River, that is, the waters of the west coast flow north and fall into the Arctic Ocean.

Mackenzie River 1,738 km :
The main branch of the Mackenzie River is 1,738 km long, while the entire river system is 4,241 km long. It is the main river of the Northeast Territory, draining into the Arctic Ocean. Deh Cho, the indigenous name given to the Mackenzie River Den, literally translates to “big river”. Inuvialuktun name and Kuukpak, meaning “great river” and Gwich’in Nagwichoonjik, meaning “river flowing through a large country.” However, the English name comes from Alexander Mackenzie, who was the first European to navigate the length of the river from its source to its mouth in the Arctic Ocean in 1789.

Athabasca River 1,538 km:
The Athabasca River is Alberta’s longest river. The first 168 km (beginning at Jasper National Park), is designated as a Canadian Heritage River. As a tributary of the Mackenzie River, water flowing through the Athabasca River also ultimately flows into the Arctic Ocean. There are many environmental pressures along the Athabasca River, including forestry, agriculture, pulp, paper mills, and oil sands mining.

South Saskatchewan River: 1,392 km
The South Saskatchewan River is a widely used water source in southern Alberta and the province of Saskatchewan. It is a major tributary of the Saskatchewan River, eventually flowing into Hudson Bay. The South Saskatchewan River flows through an agriculturally productive region and is prone to periodic droughts and floods. Water abstraction in the river basin is greater than that of any river basin in Canada, and since 2006 the basin has been closed to new water licenses in Alberta.

North Saskatchewan River 1287 km:
The North Saskatchewan River flows from the Rocky Mountains, passing through alpine fir, Engelmann spruce and lodgepole pine, flanked by aspen forests and parkland, home to balsam poplar and mixed herbs and shrubs. A large part of the river basin is used for agriculture, mainly for crops. Water quality in northern Saskatchewan is among the best in the region and is declining due to the increasing impact of human activities, particularly agriculture and urbanization, on the basin.

Fraser River: 1,375 km
The Fraser River is the longest river flowing entirely within British Columbia. It begins on the west side of the Rocky Mountains at Mount Robeson Provincial Park and ends at the Strait of Georgia in Vancouver. Named after explorer Simon Fraser. The river was renowned as a transportation route and food source for the region’s indigenous people long before Fraser sailed on it.

Ottawa River 1,271 km:
The Ottawa River is a major tributary of the St. Lawrence River. Beginning in the Laurentian Mountains, it flows west before turning southeast to form part of the border between Ontario and Quebec. It drains an area twice the size of New Brunswick. As the traditional territory of the Algonquin people, a key waterway for the fur trade and the site of a 19th-century lumber industry boom. The Ottawa River has played an important role in Canada’s history and economy.

St. Lawrence River 3,058 km:
The St. Lawrence River is a large river and estuary that flows for 3,0583 km in North America, forming a hydrographic system with the Great Lakes. From Lake Ontario it flows northeast past Montreal and Quebec City into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The route of early explorers and the main axis of New France, the St. Lawrence River figured prominently in Canada’s early history and remains the focus of settlement for much of the province of Quebec today. It is still Canada’s most important commercial waterway, as well as a great source of electrical power and natural beauty.

Niagara River 58 km:
Little Niagara River, only 58 km long. Water from the Great Lakes exits Lake Erie and flows north over Niagara Falls into Lake Ontario as the Niagara River. So important, the average flow in the river discharge is 5,8855 cubic meters per second. The Niagara River forms part of the border between Canada and the United States. The Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Erie) are interconnected by channels and the water flow ultimately flows through Niagara Falls to the St. Lawrence via Lake Ontario. Notably, among the Great Lakes are Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, and Lake Huron. Part is located in America and the flow of the Niagara is regulated by the International Rivers Commission.

How Canada’s National River Conservation Works:
The Canadian River System recognizes that Canadian rivers flow from coast to coast through the traditional territories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. To learn more about Canada’s Aboriginal territories, see the extensive map. Rivers visualize a system, serving as a model of vested responsibilities.

All of Canada’s rivers enjoy heritage and the privilege of celebrating it – rivers for all.

The Canadian river system today recognizes the rights and interests of Aboriginal peoples and respects the special relationship between rivers and Aboriginal peoples. This program creates respectful spaces for conversations about heritage rivers.

Voluntary Participation:
The Canadian large-scale rivers system is a public trust. Local citizens can be part of the maintenance and operation of their rivers, with government support and guidance.

Federal, provincial and territorial governments are committed to Canadian river systems. Partners support and facilitate the promotion of Canadian river systems and the ongoing monitoring of designated rivers and the long-term operation and management of heritage rivers within their jurisdictions.

The Canadian River System recognizes that healthy rivers are essential to life on Earth. Effective and holistic river management helps ensure that rivers provide a full range of environmental and social benefits for current and future generations.

Want to further advance Aboriginal reconciliation in Canadian rivers.
The Canadian Heritage Rivers System Board and participating jurisdictions will seek Aboriginal consultation and involvement to ensure that Aboriginal perspectives and values are appropriately integrated into all aspects of the Canadian Rivers System program.

Excellence in River Management and Conservation:
Recognizes a community for caring for rivers in the Canadian river system. By 2030, local river managers, other leading groups and partner organizations will have a holistic approach to ensure that rivers are monitored and managed sustainably. To be able to maintain or improve the standards for which they were nominated.

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