Saturday, July 27, 2024

Use of watermelon in summer skin care

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There is a difference between winter makeup and summer makeup Because there is a huge difference between the two seasons

As the season changes, so does the beauty routine. There is a difference between winter makeup and summer makeup. Because there is a huge difference between the two seasons.

Skin needs extra care in summer. It is not allowed to use only cosmetics for that. A lot of seasonal fruits are available in the market in summer. Watermelon is one of them. Not only to take care of the stomach, but also to take care of the skin in summer, watermelon is very useful.

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1) Yoghurt and watermelon are very useful to keep the body cool in summer. You can make face pack with these two things. Make a thick mixture by mixing watermelon and little honey in the whipped sour curd. After applying it on the skin and keeping it for 10-15 minutes, the skin will be bright.

2) Tomato paste to clean dirt from skin pores. If watermelon is paired with tomatoes, then additional benefits are available. This mixture works really well especially for oily skin. A pack can be made by mixing tomato juice with watermelon broth. In a few moments, the skin will have a great glow.

3) The role of banana in maintaining good skin is excellent. Both watermelon and banana are beneficial if used in skin care. One cup of watermelon and two ripe bananas – mash together to make a mixture. You can apply this pack on the skin after coming back from outside. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off. Skin will be tight and smooth.

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