Friday, July 26, 2024

What happens if you eat the husks of isubgul during fasting?

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Isubgul husk is one of the healthy foods eaten during fasting

Isubgul husk is one of the healthy foods eaten during fasting. Syrup is made by soaking these small grains. And drinking that sherbet at Iftar brings many benefits together. That is why it is important to eat Isubgul regularly throughout the year, even during Ramadan. It is effective in many ailments, from digestive problems to constipation. Let’s find out-

Eliminates urinary problems
During summer it is necessary to drink more water, but it is not possible during the day for fasting. Due to which many people have urinary problems. In particular, problems such as yellowing of urine may occur. But this problem can cause many other ailments. So be careful in the beginning. If you have yellow urine or burning during urination, then make a habit of consuming isubgul syrup regularly. It works to eliminate the problem of diffusion.

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Controls cholesterol
Controlling cholesterol levels is important for our health. Regular consumption of isubgul husk helps in lowering cholesterol levels and keeping the heart healthy. Experts say that the hygroscopic properties of these herbs work to reduce cholesterol in the blood. It also inhibits the absorption of cholesterol from food.

If you are trying to lose weight, isubgul may be a beneficial food for you. Because eating its syrup keeps the stomach full for a long time. Due to which there is no frequent hunger and no fear of overeating. As a result weight control becomes easier. You will get benefits by mixing lemon juice with Isubgul syrup at Iftar. But in this case you can mix honey instead of sugar. You will benefit from it.

Eliminates constipation
Only sufferers know the pain of constipation. If the stomach is not clean, it affects the whole body. Sometimes constipation can even lead to piles. Isubgul will give you comfort in this problem. Soak these in a cup of cold or lukewarm water before iftar. Then mix some sugar in it and make syrup and eat it. By playing this way, you will get rid of constipation during fasting.

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