Saturday, July 27, 2024

Until the atomic bomb explosion

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French arms ship, blast, S. S. Mont-Blank and S. S. S. S. the relief ship of the war in Norway S. Emo, Nova Scotia suffered in the conflict in the Halifax Harbor, Halifax, December 6, 1917. The accident caused fire and an all-explosion that was the largest tragic explosion in Hiroshima before nuclear bomb was the largest in Hiroshima. The explosion together with the later killer tsunami destroyed the entire city in the blink of the eye and immediately killed more than 2,000 people.

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The Halifax explosion reveals a sudden misfortune whose calculation-nickets ultimately answer some questions that lasted for a century; was the explosion caused by the common human error? What happened because of the captain’s ships? Was it the defective result of harbor practice and protocol?

On December 06, 2017, the centenary of this catastrophic disaster was celebrated. The Halifax explosion is Canada’s biggest disaster, will survive a ghost story, incredible courage and ultimately reveals the sudden unwitting story of the victory of the human soul. A story that is recommended for all Canadians to know and remember.

S. S. Emo and S. S. Mont-Blank:
In the inner boundary of the harbor, the broad spread of Bedford Basin has created Halifax an important field for the Transatlantic, Naval-Ecorted Convoy — which was organized as a protection against the spoiling submarine in the sea. The merchant ship’s convoy Bedford Sink was anchored before their supply and troops to the war effort in Europe.

In the first week of December, Ships in Norway to the port. S. Emo was a merchant ship, coming to New York to take relief materials for the devastated Belgian people who fought for a war-torn Belgian population. “Belgian relief words S.S.” S. The big block was written in the letter of the emo side. Another ship in the harbor came S. S. S. Mont-Blank — which was full of tons of Benzol, high explosive picric acid, TNT and Guncutton (replaceable of gunpowder as driver) — reached Halifax to join a convoy across the sea. Before the war, the Halifax port was under civilian control and ships carrying bombs or explosives were not allowed to enter the port’s internal boundaries. However, British Admiral took the port command during the war and S. S. He allowed ships like Mont-Blank to pass through ports and to Bedford Sink.

S. S. S with Mont-Blank S. How the Emo Conflict happened:
S. S. Emo was leaving the port on the morning of December 6, 1917. Out of Bedford Basin was running south of the port’s most tight navigation section, then heading towards Dartmouth on the east of the channel instead of Halifax. The west usually travels by exterior ships. S. S. The ships arrived for the Emo’s path had to go to his right without going to his left or port, which was the norm. S. S. An experienced, local Harbor pilot on the Emor Board, was William Hayes, who knew the rules on the port. However, the morning before the two internal ships were facing the morning as headed towards Bedford Basin, that both S. S. Emo exceeded Starboard from Starboard – resulting in S. S. Emo occupied an unusual position, in the past far away the wrong side.{ Ports and Starboard are nautical term for aerospace, aircraft and aerospace, which indicates the left and right side of the ship, the port-right Starboard on the left. When someone on the ship faces the bow. The bilateral symmetric ships have left and right half which are mirror images of each other.}

S. S. Mont-Blank reached out of Halifax the day before and anchored overnight at the port’s face. On December 6, the ship received signal by the Harbor Authority to proceed to the Bedford Basin. S. S. Despite the dangerous cargo of Mont-Blank, there was no special protocol for passing armed ships to the port. Other ships such as S. S. Emo was not instructed to hold their position that morning until S. S. Mont-Blank crosses a safe path through the port.

Francis Macky, S. S. Mont-Blank’s captain, was guiding the ship to Dartmouth-side, when he S. S. Emo is facing which he S. S. Mont-Blank believed to be Lain. McCain realized that S. S. The unpaid ship at the emo port, was running at an unsafe indomitable speed. Although introverted ship S. S. External ship S next to Mont-Blank. S. Emor was Right-off-way. Regardless of the accuracy of these claims, which is certain that S. S. Emo traveled far to the east, which is S. S. Mont-Blank should have been the way.

After a series of whistle and wrong contact between officers and captains on two ships, S. S. Emo, S. S. Mont-Blank’s Starboard hit the bo. After a few moments two ships separated, S. S. Mont-blank produces spark that helps to catch fire in volatile granules of dry picric acid stored under the deck.

S. S. Mont-blank burns for about 20 minutes. The flame burning flame on the top of the ship was sending huge black smoke in the sky on the benzol drum. This scene attracted the attention of people on the shore, including children who were on the way to school and attracted many residents to their windows and others to the ship. Subscribe to ports, firefighters and other ship sailors. S. Mont-Blank was headed to the target of extinguishing the fire.

Five ports and naval officials as well as Francis McCoy and S. S. Without the French-speaking crew of Mont-Blank, the rest fled the ship after the fire, was aligned to lifeboat to go to Dartmouth – next to the port. S burning as they do so. S. Mont-Blank continues to move towards the Halifax arrow, a busy area with residential homes, businesses, anchor ships, Canada’s Royal Naval College and a large sugar refinery.

Explosion and tsunami:
S. S. Mont-Blank exploded at 9:04:35 am, a wave of massive shock spread around. Then a tsunami that violently washed the Halifax and Dartmouth coast. Richmond area is more than 2.5 square kilometers completely flat with the ground. The explosion and tsunami resulted in the collapse of buildings and the structure of the area was wiped out.

Home, office, churches, factories, ships (including Mont-Blank), railway stations and freight yards – and hundreds of people in the surrounding area have been destroyed. A bit away from the centre of the explosion, the windows and displaced doors were particularly damaged in the south and western edges of the Citadel Hill Halifax.

The explosion broke the window at a truro 100 km away and sound was heard on Prince Edward Island. Those who work far off the coast, even claimed they heard roaring across the sea.
Writer Laura Mac Donald described the horror of the explosion in his book, Carse of the Narrows.

Death and Destruction:
Halifax and Dartmouth’s northern edge have been victims of destruction. The M’Comac settlement of Turtle Grove – where the M’Comac families lived for many generations – was completely destroyed; those houses in Turtle Grove that were not spoiled by the shock but soon swimmed in tsunami.

After the explosion there was a view of the Richmond area; the trees and telegraph poles were cut off; the houses were either turned into a isolated wooden stupid or divided, partially collapsed or burned into fire. In the waterfront, railway yards were destroyed, such as a series of large pillars that once entered the port. Even large stones or concrete buildings such as Richmond printing company were also destroyed. The shocked survivors, who wandered in ruins or crawled, wanted to understand what happened.

Throughout Halifax, survivors had miraculous stories and similarly tragedy stories. Many children had to die on the way to school that morning or were blinded by flying glasses. Those who survived the explosion stumbled home, found that their homes were broken, or their parents were dead or injured, all of them were dead.

About 1,600 people, including hundreds of children, died immediately. About 400 people died due to their injuries in the following days. The explosion and its flying ruins have been beheaded by someone, others have taken the organs and burned many, bone-breaking wounds. The Morg record of 1918 showed that 1,631 people were dead or missing – about one third of them were under the age of 15. Nine thousand others were injured, including hundreds of blind or partially blind, due to the injury of flying glass.

More than 1,500 buildings have been destroyed and 12,000 have been damaged. Twenty-five thousand people became homeless after the explosion or lacked suitable shelter – the problem worsened due to winter snowstorm hit by Halifax the next day. The total loss of property is estimated to be $35 million (the base is big at that time).

Halifax’s civil administration was not ready to respond to the disaster. Before the explosion, social services were low, and most were given private charities, not government. The mayor of the city was then far away, so the immediate response leadership fell into the hands of deputy mayor Henry Callwell. He had only one small police force and fire service who could be contacted. The matter was worse because Fire Chief Edward Condon lost his life and the only fire pump truck in the city was destroyed.

Despite these challenges, Halifax managed to take advantage of orderly military personnel and soldiers who were present in the city, providing a ready organized worker to help and restore order. Military reactions included the crew of warships who either survived the explosion, or reached the port in the following days; who came off the coast to help in rescue and relief efforts. Many homeless or injured were offered shelter and medical services to Canadian, American and other ships in ports.

Investigation and Prosecution:
Halifax’s angry crowd demanded answers in terms of tragedy. At first, rumors were that there was German sabotage behind the explosion. However, a judicial investigation — Charles Berkel was strongly influenced by aggressive techniques, S. S. Emo owners are hired by lawyers — fast blamed on three people, S. S. Mont-Blank Captain Aime Le Medeck and Francis Macky, Harbour Pilot and F. Ivan Watt, naval officer at the port command. Most of the crew and its pilot William Hayes died in the explosion. On February 4, 1918, Arthur Drisdale, Nova Scotia presided over the investigation, S. only for disaster. S. Mont-Blank is guilty.

With approval of many local residents, Le Medadek, McCoy and Watt were arrested and charged with murder. Despite multiple efforts to judge them, the complaints did not end up smoking due to lack of evidence.
In 1919, the decision to investigate was appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, where it was announced that S. S. Both Mont-Blank and Emo are equally guilty. This verdict was held in London by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, which was the highest appeal court in Canada at that time.

Finally, no one was successfully tried for failure to conduct the explosion. Le Medech returned to France, where he continued his career as a sailor; Watt was sent elsewhere by the Navy; and McCain continued to work as a port pilot despite the problems facing people’s anger and doubt.

In 1958, McCain told CBC Radio: S. S. Emo came out of his wrong side. Break the rules and come in the wrong direction. S. Mont-Blank came and hit us. “Normally no ship is allowed to leave when a arrival ship is bound inside.””” All exceptions were happening here in the unfortunate way.

A tragic memory:
The memories of the explosion were directly among those who survived for decades. Many of them told the horrible day. One of the surviving witnesses was Kay McLeod Chapman, a five-year-old girl during the disaster. Despite his home and his surrounding destruction, Chapman credited his survival that at the moment of the explosion he held a Bible and a Christian hymn book in his hand — playing a game in Sunday school with his doll. A deeply religious woman was a lifelong, Chapman died in October 2017 at the age of 105.

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