Saturday, July 27, 2024

Laura’s illness cured by applying hypnosis to treatment

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Some events occur during the use of hypnosis therapy which then allows therapist to explore those important events

Disclaimer: I am a Behavior analyst, not a psychiatrist. In Behavior Analysis, or therapy, we do not use the birth process. It’s only good to read this article, I’ve shared the translation with you. References are given below.

Some events occur during the use of hypnosis therapy, which then allows therapist to explore those important events. When Laura had talked about serious sexual self-immigration to herself, she had Amnesia, she was brought to Lauri during that time. It seemed that suddenly, soft-natural girl, Laura quickly became quite angry and unfairly natural lorry; and he was proud to admit Laura to his torture. When Laurie was asked why he was suffering Laura so, he said, “I was tired of being watched.” Laurie said, “I wanted to come out, he stuck me… I was like a trapped hung… He wouldn’t let me out. Until I promise to him I won’t do anything, but I was bad at the time.”

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Hypnotherapy gives Laura the opportunity to talk about her adopted mother’s death, which was not the opportunity to discuss at another time. Laura would say everything perfectly in hypocrisy. His father came home from giving the news of his mother’s death, finally dressed for funeral, and finally, everything until he touched his mother’s cold face on the castle. While these were said, Laura’s voice and speech pattern were as soft as always, and it stopped under hypnosis, he was not presenting himself as childish as any other time.

After the hypnosis began, the form of negotiations with Amy was like two therapists discussing the common client of each of themselves. At this time, Amy’s insights and advice on treatment of Lara’s problems were generally quite good and well-established.

Laura’s behavior has changed since hypnotherapy began. His self-abuse and dirty pads are stopped. He is more suitable and behaves in related quadrants.

In both Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy sessions it was clear that sub-persons were gradually fade and Laura was becoming more organized and integrated.

Laura’s multiple personality disappeared when he was released from the hospital. In its one-and-a-half year, Laura is quite well at a therapeutic boarding school, and hasn’t repeated multiple personalities. When discussing his past problems, he has no interest or concerns about his previous isolated experience.
According to DSM-3, the vital characteristics of multiple personalities are the existence of two or more distinct personalities between one person, each of which is dominant at a certain time. Each personality is a fully integrated and complex single with unique memory. Type of behavior, and social relations that determine the nature of the person’s activity when that personality is influential. There is no knowledge of the existence of other personalities of the original personality. The main personalities and sub-persons are aware of the time lost but usually do not provide those information by volunteering.

“Laura Case clearly demonstrated the characteristics of the disorder, the only exception was that his sub-persons were not fully integrated and complex.” This lack of complexity was interpreted as a function of his young age, in which the personality had not yet fully developed. Laura’s behavior was sudden change when he was lorry. As Kun (1980) mentioned, the original personality in Laurea, usually a shy, introvert, tender person that cannot adapt to strong effects. Laurie’s personality was attractive, excessive sexual offensive, uncomfortable and lacking concerns between him. In Angel’s modest but confident stance, more contrast can be seen in Amy’s reality and Henry’s friendship towards Laura.

His various levels of memorialism, especially in the subjects of Laura’s experience, was quite noticeable. Laura might have been unaware of his subpersonality, or he was very unconscious. On the contrary, all sub-persons knew Laura and each other as well. On the other hand, Amy and Angel had conversations with each other, as with Laura and Laurie. In DSM-111, this disorder describes the disorder that is how sub-expositions speak to each other.
Furthermore, it is noted that sometimes people with this disease may have the opposite sex character. In Lara’s case, as was Henry of the opposite sex, who emerged with a well-organized male identity in this case.

Laura’s misleading behavior was first interpreted as the use of refusal, regression or imaginary play mate. The presence of sub-personality forced him to rethink his behavior because it has become clear that Laura’s deputy personality without Laura’s awareness would have abused him, dirty, wet, ointmental clothing.

Considering from different perspectives, the dynamic and structural aspects of these multiple personalities have been concepted. Such as Prince (1930), Theigpen and Cleckley, (1954) emphasized the ideas of the beginning; in their opinion, the creation of sub-personalities, enabling the real person to express his own efforts, emotions and interpersonal attitudes that were previously unpublished to the original person.
Meanwhile, Horton and Miller, 1972; Howland, 1975; Winer, 1978, this serious historical orientation equals with him to this number of individuals. Some writers see it again as similar to hypnotized conditions such as changing itself through Autohypnosis (Janet, 1899) or hypnosis induction (Campman, 1976).

The relationship between neurophysiological events and multiple personalities has been observed, many such as the seizures in patients with multiple personalities (Horton and Miller, 1972; Schreiber, 1973), significant changes in neurophysiological conditions in different personalities (Ludwig et al., 1972; Putman, 1982; Theigpen and Clekley, 1954) and potential etiological factors (Alison and Schwartz, 1980). Encephalopathic results must be noted in the possible embryo alcohol syndrome and psychological experiments, but there is no convincing evidence that they were Etiological causes.

Most recently, multiple personalities have been considered from the perspective of Borderline States and Pre-ODipal Personality Disorder where intracycical splitting is external as a behavior division (Guenwald, 1977). Laura is facing a lack of parental permanent character during her childhood and lack of care for herself. During his symbiotic and separation personality, these experiences may have been the leading cause of those problems inside him.

At the age of 6 and 8, Laura lost two more mothers again. These losses can make both the right solution to its eDipus situation and achieve a good, positive identification with the same sex parents.

Meanwhile, the patient’s eedipal hesitation is more intense when the arrival of an honest mother. The presence of honest mothers caused a return with traumatic revelation related to maternity damage during childhood. Now he starts to feel anxiety about his previous deprivation as well as his father’s idipal damage. His isolation in multiple personalities probably also represents an effort to tackle his overwhelming loss.

Someone may ask why a patient publishes multiple personality disorders without publishing borderline or narcissistic personality? This question remains problematic. Greaves (1980) advised that a person in multiple personalities change himself, but somewhat higher in the Igor side, which is not the case in the Borderline. It’s one feature that allows itself to change, age, gain experience and add additional levels in the field of identity.

Despite noting the Borderline State by the previous two testers, Laura’s clinical condition and his Rorshach Exam Performance did not judge him for the diagnosis. Rather Laura has been tested as a shy, warm, dependent girl who is looking for love and approval and shows historical and indisputable features.

In Laura, the hospital milliw therapy and personal psychotherapy were the main medical methods. When his treatment progress appeared in the plateau, the use of hypnotherapy proved to be beneficial enough. Some authorities warn against the use of hypocrisy in the treatment of multiple personalities as it may be more divided (Bower et al., 1971). Others, however, speak of hypnosis as a way to solve the partition process (Brandsma and Ludwig, 1974; Howland, 1975).

In Laura, the functions and features of different personalities were expressed and made clear through hypnosis. Therapist strengthens the positive aspects of his personality, reduces Lori’s ability, and finally enables Amy, Angel and Henry’s intervention to unnecessary.

These therapeutic techniques seem compatible with the view of Allison and Schwartz (1980) who advised the cooperation of the changing soul, especially to strengthen the effectiveness of the person’s helpful parts and apply to the prominent side of the oppressor.

This case warns us of a possibility that even a young child has been homeless with multiple personality disorders, and may have been undergoing regular treatment, but the disease has not yet been identified. Unusual, sudden and interpretative changes in behavior, voices and methods with the Amnesia Declaration for some specific time forced us to think of this rare possibility. An interdisciplinary method used in this study can make the diagnosis easier. Only effective treatment can be introduced when a case is diagnosed correctly. Finally, treatment early in the life of multiple personalities can prevent further spread of this disorder.

References : WEISS, M., SUTTON, P. J., & UTECHT, A. J. (1985). Multiple personality in a 10-year-old girl. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 24(4), 495–501.

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