Saturday, July 27, 2024

After marriage, habits change and abandonment begins

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When a girl has to radically change herself after marriage for her husband or in laws it is not logical

When a girl has to radically change herself after marriage for her husband or in-laws, it is not logical. If a boy doesn’t have to give up anything he loves after marriage, doesn’t have to change his habits, why should a girl give up her favorite hobby or desire? Why should you radically change yourself?

Tarek and Tama got married just two days ago. In the evening, all the distant relatives of the in-laws have come to see you. Sitting between them like a lifeless doll, Tamar was suffocating for hours. The mind longs for a familiar voice or a familiar face. But he has never seen anyone except Tarek as an acquaintance, so he is a little hesitant to speak. That morning, after the meal, her nonus had left her sitting in a Banarasi saree weighing several kilograms, with full face makeup. He refused to leave the bed. On the other hand, when a teacher came every now and then, he had to get up and touch his feet to greet him. Tama thinks, Ish, how much fun boys! You don’t have to sit down wearing such heavy sari-jewellery, you don’t have to take a few steps every now and then. Tarek didn’t have to leave his family-home-familiar environment, and he didn’t have to do these things in such a big way, so why does he only have to do these things? The mood is bad. Despite taking a peek, Tarek’s ticket was nowhere to be seen. Having gathered a lot of courage to get down from the bed, the mother-in-law said, “Where are you going, mother?” What if so fickle? There are marshals, everyone is coming, sit quietly!’

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Tarek returned from his regular chat with his friends at ten o’clock at night. Hearing the sound of his voice, the mother-in-law said as she went forward, the boys are eating separately in the next room, you will eat with us. No one could be seen even after peeking. Tama ate alone while panting in anger. He thought to himself, ‘Come now, I don’t know him either.’ While eating in the dining room with mother-in-law, nonad, nonas, and bhabhi, various words entered through one ear and left through the other ear. He doesn’t even like to think about it. The mother-in-law rolled her eyes and started saying, ‘Nowadays, husbands don’t even put rice on their mother-in-law’s plate!’ Tama was getting angry at first. Two days and did not let go! Immediately the mother’s face appeared in front. While coming from home, mother cried and said, “Mother, no matter how educated or qualified you are, don’t protest in the face of the tutors!” After that, she put her hands on her head and finally left after swearing. So now there is no other way but to hold the teeth?

After the mother-in-law, the aunts and uncles continued to tell each other how on the day of the wedding, they cooked and fed everyone in the house, the workers, and then slowly fed it into two mouths. Tama can’t find, if you have to remember and observe everything from that period, why do you watch satellite channels instead of watching BTV. What was it then? Sometimes they will keep the old rules, and sometimes they will leave the old and become modern, they choose everything according to their own wishes. It’s like, modern at the push of a switch, and if you want, you can go back to the customs of a few centuries ago. If he wanted, he used a blender to leave the shill-pata, and after a while he recovered the fist of modernity and modern law. You used to get angry at these makey things. Now, instead of getting angry, he just smiled to himself. Sometimes he kindly forgives people, sometimes he takes pity on them. Indeed, the lack of entertainment in the lives of these people! A new bride has arrived in the house, cornering her is their great pastime. What a sick thought! But each of them had to pass through this time. Tears came to their eyes that day.

One thing is quite important here. Some people think, ‘Through the broken road, I have come through so much effort, I will not let the next generation suffer. But 80% people are the opposite in today’s society. Most of them think, ‘Why don’t others fall into the hole I had to fall into?’ The trouble that I had to go through, let the others also suffer from that!

Be that as it may, Tarek’s path was first blocked by a group of friends as he headed towards his wife’s house after dinner. The various mischiefs of the brothers somehow cut through the side as soon as they crossed the dam, the little sister was a butterfly. He took out a picture from his pocket and said, ‘Dada, give me a thousand and two rupees, or I will be detained here for an hour, or I will bring the picture of your class ten girlfriend to my sister, tell me! This time, after bribing Titli, with great difficulty, he came very close to his house through the balcony, but his mother’s loud voice chased him from the stairs. Even though his temper rose, Tarek swallowed his anger. Don’t be angry today. He has many plans for you today! In the meantime, the friends have shared more wisdom throughout the day! Now Shay didn’t want to waste any more time.

Mother’s voice stopped just as she approached Tarek from the stairwell.

Mom, are you going to sleep?

Tarek: It’s almost twelve o’clock at night, won’t you sleep?

Mom: No, I mean your aunts will leave tomorrow. Going to the house without giving them time? Tamato will not fly anywhere else!

Tarek: (shouting) Since then you all have been doing whatever you want. The house is not only yours, but also mine! Can’t get to my sleep? And sleep can not go to your own home?

Mother: Before, when your aunts came, she used to stay up all night and chat with everyone, she was never so sleepy!

(At this stage, Tarek started to get very angry. After the last week of marriage activities, he couldn’t bear it anymore due to exhaustion.)

Tarek: But these pains of yours do not feel good anymore. Let me take a break now.

Tarek muttered and proceeded towards his room.

When he entered the house, he saw Tama lying upside down.

Tarek: Wow! If you fall asleep! Don’t even wait!

Tama: If you spend the night at your friends’ house, you can! Why actually?

Tarek: Look, if you start reporting these things without coming! But my way of life will remain as it was. Don’t forget to try to change them.

Tama: What have I changed again? The whole day alone I managed everything. You were no longer by my side! Throw me in the zoo, you’re just having fun with friends!

Tarek: Look Tama, you are a woman. You have to get along with everyone in the house. And I’m a man, I can’t leave my friends because I’m married!

Tama: I married you for love. You know how I was with my parents in our house. I have never had so much trouble. In the family of three of us, we ate, wore, went as we pleased. It is not possible for me to go through so much trouble, so many people’s minds day and night. I am crying so much.

This time, Tarek’s mind was a little lost.

Tarek: Well I understand that you are suffering, but you have to adjust a bit. Everyone does that.

Tama: I can’t. I will not be able to pass the day and night wearing these sarees and jewelry. please save me

Tarek sighed and said, “Okay, sleep.” Mother said, aunts will leave tomorrow. So, when the aunts wake up in the morning, they have to have breakfast together.

Tama sighed and closed her eyes. I remember how Tama used to get up at nine in the morning, get ready quickly and go out for class. Mother used to run back and tear the bread and stuff it in her mouth, handing her the tiffin box…

Scarborough, Canada

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