Saturday, July 27, 2024

Staying healthy in this climate is challenging

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Staying healthy in this climate is challenging

Temperature fluctuations are high in winter. Sometimes it rains all day. Staying healthy in this climate is challenging. The risk of pneumonia is higher than other diseases in winter. Pneumonia is more common in children. During this time, the risk of infection also increases. So try to be as careful as possible.

Pneumonia can be caused by a lung infection. This disease can cause accumulation of water in the lungs. Failure to pay attention in the beginning can lead to major damage later on. By following a few rules, you can protect yourself from pneumonia.

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Repeatedly smoke hands
Try to keep your hands clean as much as possible. Practice frequent hand washing. Use hand sanitizer even if you cannot wash your hands. Also, don’t eat anything without washing your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before eating.

Wear warm clothes
Those who suffer from cold should always wear warm clothes in winter. Children often don’t want to keep warm clothes on their bodies for a long time, so they should be given special attention. Even if you go out at night, try to keep your head and ears covered with muffler.

Eat healthy food
The market is full of various winter vegetables. Foods rich in fiber, vitamins, carbohydrates provide strength to fight other diseases in winter. Also, eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C like olives, oranges, lemons, etc. They act as an antidote.

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