Saturday, July 27, 2024

Joytu Mohammad Rafiquzzaman

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Mohammad Rafiquzzaman is undoubtedly one of the most powerful lyricists

In any language, the music of that language probably keeps people in solitary bliss. Music does not end only with joy. Some songs stick to people’s voices. But it does not take place in the crown. is easily remembered; Mohan did not go to the core and make a garland. Since the song is the lyrical form of the poem, if there is no poetry or poetry in the form of the words of the song, it does not have a form of art. And who knows that nothing occupies the brain unless it becomes great art. That is, since music is primarily poetry; Therefore, the construction of the poet’s poetic image has to be signed in the song poetry as well.

The creative poet strives to retain this art of construction techniques in the words of his lyric poetry. Several poets have emerged who are exceptionally powerful in Bengali songs, especially in the composition of Bangladeshi song poetry. The poetry of the lyrics of the songs written by them is clear but effective as a song. Although the lyrics of the song are devoid of abstractness like poetry, the use of pictorial accompaniment gives the lyrical meaning of poetry. A number of prominent poets of Bangladesh have written poems of songs and have taken a place in the hearts of the people of this country. Mohammad Rafiquzzaman is undoubtedly one of the most powerful lyricists of Bangladesh. His innumerable songs have enriched and enriched the treasure trove of songs of Bangladesh.

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* When you see the mountain crying, you call it a spring
That mountain is dumb and says nothing…

There are numerous songs such as “My sorrow, my bed of night” written by Rafiquzzaman.

The son was martyred in the war. Still, the mother kept hoping for her son’s return day and night. The boy doesn’t come anymore. He wrote a heart-touching song poem enlivening the waiting of Rafiquzzaman Saheb’s mother waiting for her own brother who was martyred along with three million martyrs in the Great War of Liberation. The song got response all over the country. It spread from mouth to mouth in fields, cities, ports. The song was sung with great popularity in cultural events. A song written by a poet became a poem about the life of a great man:

‘Metho stood on the bank of the railway line;
A middle-aged woman is still holding out her hand…’
Many such songs are embedded in the hearts of the people of Bangladesh today.

Another thing is particularly noteworthy here that a major poet of Bengali poetry and an outstanding lyricist Dr. Mohammad Moniruzzaman is the elder brother of Mohammad Rafiquzzaman. Two such major poets in the same family is a rare occurrence. But both brothers are established in the very high seat of their creativity.

Mohammad Rafiquzzaman wrote numerous poems of eternal patriotic songs with the ink of heart-wrenching love.

* My mind goes like a bird
The body of rice husk
* My bowl is a star in my heart.
* Our country is Swapnapuri, Sathi is my flower fairy

How many more poems of songs this beloved songwriter has written with the ink of the emotions of all our souls in the skillful choice of words of the artist, in poetry!

Let’s read the poem of that unforgettable song in the voice of Runa Laila in the tune of Khondkar Nurul Alam:

তোমার বুকে আমি জীবনে মরণে গরবিনী,
তোমার সুখের কাছে আমার সকল সুখ ঋণী।
ও আমার দেশ,
তোমাকে চিনেই আমি নিজেকে চিনি।।
দুঃখ আমার কাছে দুঃখ তো নয়,
তোমার জন্যে যদি হয়।
মরণ হলেও জানি মরণ সে নয়,
তোমার জন্যে যদি হয়।
এই সুখ, এই জীবন
মায়ের স্নেহের কাছে বাঁধা চিরদিনই।।
স্বপ্ন আমার চোখে সত্যি তো হয়,
তোমাকে ঘিরে যদি হয়।
আশার রঙিন কলি গোলাপ তো হয়,
তোমাকে ঘিরে যদি হয়।
এ আশা, এ স্বপন তোমার আচল দিয়ে
বাঁধা চিরদিনই।
তোমাকে চিনে তাই নিজেকে চিনি।।

I owe this heart to lyricist Mohammad Rafiquzzaman Sahib. He has made a permanent seat in my heart by filling my mind with his creative songs. He dazzled me with unshakable fascination with the human love of Karuna Rasa Sensation. He has filled the sky of lonely silence of my solitary time with colorful wings of dreamy beautiful imagination. He glorified my sense of indebtedness to Janmabhoomi and Janani.

Empty-handed has made me the king of the invisible yet immeasurable jewels of the kingdom of my time. My debt to Rafiq Bhai is outstanding. This debt thinking is the way to make me debt free to him. The thought of unrepaid debt sickens me. Bringing all the roses from all over the world, I would like to hand them over and say today – ‘We are indebted to you Mohammad Rafiqzzaman.’ That sense of indebtedness enriches us. To the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for this country. After the brutal killing of the Father of the Nation in 1976, he wrote:

যদি মরণের পরে কেউ প্রশ্ন করে কি দেখেছি?
আমি বলব চোখের কাছে নাও না জেনে
ওখানে বাংলাদেশের রূপ এঁকে রেখেছি।।
প্রশ্ন করে যদি কি পেয়েছি আমি সারাটি জীবন?
বলব নাও না পড়ে আমার এ মন
এ দেশের মানুষের ভালোবাসা পেয়ে
বুকের ভাষায় কাব্য লিখেছি।।
প্রশ্ন করে যদি কি পেয়েছি আমি বিনিময়ে তার?
বলব মৃত্যুকে শুধাও এবার
এ দেশের প্রয়োজনে জীবন দিয়েও
মরণজয়ী হাসতে শিখেছি।।

Sung in the voice of Sabina Yasmin in the tune of Khondkar Nurul Alam, the extraordinary poetry of this song reaches the core of people and creates an emotional and pathetic juice of patriotism.

Is the debt of our nation state to the work created by the poet Mohammad Rafiquzzaman really reasonable, repayable? No, it is immeasurable and crude. Only the responsibility of indebtedness frees us from debt. As a result of which we basically enrich ourselves.
My humble respect and best wishes to Mohammad Rafiquzzaman Sahib, the outstanding Bengali lyricist, poet, painter, on his birth anniversary.

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