Saturday, July 27, 2024

Home remedies to whiten teeth

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Due to the lack of proper care many times the teeth start getting stained Yellow stains fall on the teeth even after eating twice a day

Due to the lack of proper care, many times the teeth start getting stained. Yellow stains fall on the teeth even after eating twice a day.

This yellowish stain is difficult to remove easily. Many people sometimes do ‘teeth whitening’. But it doesn’t last long. After a month it was back to normal. But if there is a problem, there will be a solution. Know some home remedies to whiten teeth.

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coconut oil
Take some coconut oil as a mouthwash and swish it well. Ensure that all facial muscles are equally engaged. After churning like this for two to three minutes, discard the oil. It will keep the teeth shiny and the health of the teeth will also be good.

Not only lemon, salt also works well to clean teeth. After brushing your teeth, take some salt on your finger and rub it on your teeth. It will make the root of the tooth strong and strong. The natural color of the teeth will also return.

Baking soda
Another effective method of teeth whitening is the use of baking soda. Mix some baking soda with the toothpaste. After that brush your teeth well. If you use it for a few days you will get the benefits. Teeth will also be shiny.

Lemon juice
Lemon juice contains citric acid. Mix lemon juice and salt together and brush your teeth to whiten your teeth easily. You can also use lemon peel to brush your teeth. It removes yellowness of teeth.

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