Saturday, July 27, 2024

This I am, that I am

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I have to stay alone when I go to the country

I have to stay alone when I go to the country. Especially the night is full of loneliness. Being alone is as much a joy as it is a pain. I have had both in life. I have suffered, I have also experienced joy. still getting. This life is full of suffering. Money cannot erase the underlying pain of the mind.

At one time, I passed my life through many hardships. Life was a struggle. Endless struggle was at every step. But there is no regret about them. I am still struggling to survive. You have to live by fighting forever. Perhaps there will be no such thing as retirement in my life. But no matter how easy and comfortable it is right now, the days left behind were happier. was more glorious.

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Not that I am surrounded by many people in Canada. In fact I am alone here too. A sad loneliness surrounds me after Ark Aritri goes away. I am alone at home. Like a stranger at home. Making new friends abroad is a rare task. I don’t even try that.

But the few that I have become friends with are great. Since I don’t perform well in chats, I don’t talk much so I’m more comfortable in the hole. I’m a bit of a closed person so I’m more lonely. However, I have accepted this life.

My problem is a bit different. Psychological problems. I am an emotional person. That’s why I get a kind of depression even in trivial matters. Anger arises in the mind. But why this anger, I do not know who is angry. It pains me that I cannot remedy these things. Pain of disability.

I cannot talk about my problems openly. I can’t hurt anyone. So it is difficult for me to overcome this problem. I am counseling myself, understanding myself. Ask the mind to be calm. I cannot accept neglect, disrespect anywhere outside the house. We suffer. Still, I live by accepting many injustices. This is how one day I will disappear from the world. What’s worse!

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