Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green village of Oman and stone mountains

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Misfah Al Abriyin is a green hill village in Oman

Although the country of the desert is an incredible green country of Oman. If you go to some places, you don’t remember whether you’re in a Middle East country or a tropical region. This is possible due to the traditional Falaj technology of Oman. Omanis have been farming for more than 2,000 years through this technology. This unique and traditional technology has recognized UNESCO World Heritage.

Fallaz is the canal method. It has the same to give water to the paddy field from the Shallow machine in our country. However, this technology is provided by collecting water from below ground to a few kilometers away. Each falaj has a qua at the beginning. It’s called Ummul Falaj, i.e. Falaj’s mother. That’s the main source of water.

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Omani Sultanate has taken various initiatives for not only depending on oil. One of these is agriculture. In the early 1980s, Oman Bank of Agriculture and Fisheries was launched to improve and enhance farmers and fishermen. At that time, Omanis improved their falaj technology and opened large phishing companies. Currently, many types of flowers and fruits are cultivated from vegetables to vegetables in Oman. In 2023, $1.52 billion was added to the treasury of Oman from agriculture and fisheries. By 2028, their target was taken to US$2 billion.

There is a mountain on one side, the sea on the other. The two most known of the mountains are Jabal Shams and Jabal Akhdar. Both are higher than 3,000 meters. I had the opportunity to see these two mountains. I was a night at a great resort on Jabal Shams. But Jabal Akhdar was not hopeful.

Although Jabal could drive his own car in Shams, it was not possible in Jabal Akhdar. There is a police station at the entrance of Jabal Akhder. They check every car. To get to Jabal Akhdar, you have to have four wheeler cars. I assumed I didn’t have a car like that, Jabal would not go to Akhdar.

But I don’t say who’s in the forehead!

I went to the last day of visiting the old capital and historical city of Oman, the last day of visiting the old abandoned village called Birkat Al Muj. When a car stopped to see a fort next to the village, a local Omani called from behind. When I went ahead, I asked where I was going? With the fortress I would see, the local man asked if I would go to see Jabal Akhdar. He said he has a four wheeler car with him. My main problem was time. Check out from the hotel by 12 p.m. And then it’s about 11. It is known that it will take two and a half hours to travel from here. I decided to see the mountain. When I can come again, it’s not okay. I started traveling with the man and agreed to 25 Real.

In this heat, the environment on the mountain was cool. After closing the mountain, the driver closed the AC and opened the window. Oman is so hot during the day that there is no way to open the window of the car. This is the first time I’ve seen someone open the car window after going to Oman. The temperature on the mountain is quite comfortable. The driver said that in winter there is temperature going down to zero and snow.

The village is named Al Ain on the mountain. It’s down a little bit from high and the whole village is cultivation. It looked like I was looking at the mountain of Vietnam. After some time, Falaj’s pool is seen. They can be taken down to shower. The environment is excellent.

The best time to visit the Jabal Akhdar mountain is March-April. These foods have different flowers and fruits seasons. Omani roses are well known in the world. He grows here. Besides that, villages of Jabal Akhdar are also known for the cultivation of large amounts of bringing.

Time has to come back quickly. I thought in the future, I’d have to take more time at hand.

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