Saturday, April 27, 2024

How much sleep is normal?

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If you dont get enough sleep you can spend the whole day lazily

If you don’t get enough sleep, you can spend the whole day lazily. Gradually losing control over himself.

Decreased performance. Due to constant lack of sleep, the normal relationship with people deteriorates. Self-control becomes weak. Feelings also die slowly. Fatigue and weariness cloud all thoughts and actions.

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How much normal human sleep?

Sleep is normal to the extent that it restores the natural comfort of a person’s mind and body. Usually it can be 6 to 8 hours.

However, people of different ages need different sleep in a day. For example:

Age Sleep (hours)
00-02 16
03-12 10
13-18 10
19-55 8
56 + 6
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