Saturday, July 27, 2024

Writer’s pain, writer’s joy

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I buy a lot of books from book fairs every year Buy good books from my writer friends

I buy a lot of books from book fairs every year. Buy good books from my writer friends. Don’t buy books from people you don’t know. This has been happening for 40 years. Buying books is my habit. So are my sons and daughters. It has not changed even after moving abroad.

Since I don’t stay in the country all year round, I buy from the book fair. Most of the books published focus on fairs. Although books should be published throughout the year. Hundreds of publishers publish thousands of books each year. Many books are being published by those living abroad.

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This number is increasing gradually. Many writers rush to the country at this time, come to book fairs. Among so many books there are good books as well as inedible ones. Many of the newbies are writing well but are unable to reach the readers properly due to lack of publicity. It is really difficult to choose a good book among so many books. Readers are confused. They turn around and find books by the same author.

People know more about the books of those who live in the spotlight of propaganda. The television cameras follow those who have the title of media person or celebrity author. Journalists search for them with pen and paper.

They don’t have the time, nor the effort, to find out who is writing well or what are the best books among the newbies. In the eighties when we used to do book reports in Bichitra, there was an attempt to list good books. Readers used to buy books from that list. Now is the era of scratching each other’s back. The age of the syndicate. I will praise you and post you are mine.

The age is propaganda. I have to say that I am a writer. My book is published. buy my book Television book programs or daily book news in newspapers tend to be promoted by well-known faces. Big syndicate here too.

Social media is the biggest advertising space. Those who do not get opportunities in television or newspapers resort to social media. Many authors’ books are bought online by his followers. After a year or two, the writer is no longer heard from. The literary world has also turned to a sick competition.

Writers are also getting frustrated. Many are doing whatever they want in the hope of quick fame. The atmosphere of pure literature discussion is no more. But not everyone is involved in this competition. Those who do real literature do not sit around hoping for fame or awards. Don’t even think about the campaign. Don’t care about television cameras or newspapers.

It is true that everyone can see the moon when it rises in the sky. Its soft light bewitches. Well written readers find it right. Don’t tell anyone to buy my book. No need to embarrass anyone. Many people buy books on request or for pleasure and throw them away. Do not even touch and see what is written.

Many achieve everything miraculously. Award fame is all. Not many are so lucky. Not everyone gets everything. But the fact that people want to write, and want to be a writer, is no less. People who love to read books, rush to the fair, there is nothing more beautiful than this. Buy Books Gift Books

Toronto, Canada

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