Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why talented people are leaving Bangladesh?

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Why talented people are leaving Bangladesh

The number of students going abroad has increased 3 times in 15 years. Among them, the number of students going to America, Canada and England is increasing every year. There are 10,500 students in America alone, a large proportion of whom have gone on to study undergraduates.

Scholarships to study at the undergraduate level in the United States are very rare. Full Bright Scholarships are very rare among them. To get full bright the result has to be very good and at the same time it is easier if it is a little poor. Many receive partial scholarships with small amounts of money but most study at their own expense. Can you imagine how many thousands of dollars are going to the education sector?

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A large number of students are spending dollars to study in prestigious universities abroad. But our governments have not given any importance to this place since time immemorial.

The number of universities in our country has doubled in 15 years. What is its impact? Despite the increase in the number of universities, why is the number of students going abroad decreasing? Because the quality of education and the environment of education in universities is not good.

Very few countries in the world have such low quality teachers and learning environment. In countries where there are not enough qualified people to become university teachers, they are said to be teachers by building buildings and appointing unqualified people under the name of university.

University teachers are made by people who do not know what university teaching means, what research means, what teachers should do and what they should not do. Seeing their behavior, a negative impression has been created about university teachers. Seeing them, everyone thinks ‘he is a university teacher!’

There are going to be two more government universities in the country. Among these, the ‘Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University of Science and Technology, Narayanganj’ will be in Narayanganj. And ‘Satkhira University of Science and Technology’ will be in Satkhira.

After making those who will join the government team as VCs, ProVCs, Treasurers, no more teachers will be found in the government team. Are there qualified people to become university teachers in the country? Increasing the number without increasing the quality of existing universities means increasing the number of teachers who make a statement when the government is in danger.

Does the government have any desire to increase the quality of education in the country? Existing universities and even Dhaka University do not have quality teachers, no education and research environment, no suitable allocation for research, no good environment for students to study and live.

Why did the government not standardize the existing universities and open substandard universities in the district? This government is very smart and intelligent. Due to party interests, so many universities are opened so that fanatical students and teachers grow and act as per the instructions to keep or take power.

If they had made the existing universities standard, then the university teachers would have made so many statements on behalf of the government? How many hundreds of teachers, VCs, pro-VCs, how many hundreds of posts have been promoted due to the existence of so many universities; After receiving these, they sang the praises of the government. Has any teacher from the government party protested any injustice of the government to date? On the contrary, the government has vindicated.

We have seen that when BNP was in power, none of the teachers during BNP’s tenure did not protest against the injustice done by that government party. Now the level has increased naturally.

Next time if BNP comes to power again those who are now singing the justification of injustice will protest against injustice and now those who are protesting against injustice will remain silent. This is how our country is going. How many days will continue like this?

Instead of teaching as teachers, they do politics. Because the incompetent will not enjoy teaching. They have a feeling that if they don’t do politics, the country will go to the abyss. They do not even have the knowledge to understand the country they are taking into the abyss. Added to that is another poison like National University. No shield no sword Nidhiram Sardar.

Although there are few teachers in public universities, there are no teachers to teach honors and especially masters in national universities, but the country has been blessed with students with certificates by enrolling millions of students and giving them certificates.

What are they doing, how are they doing any survey? Admission is to earn money. And the goal is for the children to be able to say they are doing honors at university. They should not provoke the state. But after passing, he becomes unemployed, falls into depression, becomes addicted to drugs, lives an unhappy life by doing menial jobs.

But if we could bring teachers from abroad, especially from India and China, and bring teachers from abroad to standardize all the universities of the country, many children of the country would not go abroad.

The country’s dollar did not go abroad. Huge amounts of our dollars are going to education and healthcare. There is money laundering with him. If I could prevent these, do you understand what the country would be like?

Dr. Kamrul Hasan Mamun. Professor, Physics, University of Dhaka

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