Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Jawan is a good movie?

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A person very close to me asked Can Jawan be seen with the girl I said of course Why Because there is not a single scene in this movie which will be uncomfortable to watch with the family

A person very close to me asked ‘Can Jawan be seen with the girl?’ I said, of course. Why? Because, there is not a single scene in this movie, which will be uncomfortable to watch with the family. There is no extravagance in the costumes or the so-called scene requirements. Once you get into the story, it is not possible to focus on the other side.

How is the story? A story that will remain relevant even years later. Almost all spheres of life from individual life to national life have been touched. Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, directed by Etli, has given a great message against all the irregularities that are stuck in the life of any nation.

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Not only the agricultural sector or the health sector, but the inconsistency in the military sector has been clearly shown. No symbolic dialogues, directly the bad side of politics is brought out masterfully.

The pure emotion wrapped in paternal or maternal love is shown with great care.

And in showing this total issue, no compromise was taken. So that the audience can take the heavy issue like protecting the country into themselves, it has to go the full entertainment route. 100% entertainment has come without any pretense to inculcate in the mind of the audience the issue of eradicating the disharmony of the society.

What is not in this movie? Shock after shock, action, romance, visuals, music, everything you need, ‘Jaawan’ is a complete package.

And if you don’t sit and watch this movie, it’s hard to get a feel for it. Big screen is the only way. Love from the heart to those outstanding movies whose initiatives have come to this country. Salutations to you unique Mamun. And my friend Zahid Akbar gave me great pleasure by showing me the first show on the first day, love him.

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