Saturday, July 27, 2024

Use of garlic to stop hair loss

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Worried about hair loss There is nothing to worry about if you read little by little

Worried about hair loss? There is nothing to worry about if you read little by little. But if the amount of hair loss continues to increase day by day and new hair does not grow, then there is no way to worry about it. Many people take various medicines to avoid this problem. Some also use different types of chemicals. However, even if they get temporary benefits, there may be side effects.

You can rely on the well-known herb garlic to solve the problem of hair loss without using anything. Because this garlic works to eliminate all hair problems. Garlic contains calcium, zinc and sulphur. These beneficial ingredients keep the scalp healthy. It also contains selenium, which increases blood flow to the hair roots. As a result, the problem of hair fall is reduced. Along with this, the problem of dandruff is eliminated, the production of collagen increases. As a result, the hair becomes thicker and the shine of the hair increases. Know how to use garlic in hair-

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Use of garlic paste
Peel 8-10 cloves of garlic. Now beat or blend well to make a paste. Now apply the paste on the scalp i.e. the roots of the hair and massage for 10 minutes. Now wash your hair with lukewarm water. Use this three days a week. It will reduce the problem of hair fall quickly.

Use of garlic and rose water
Extract the juice from the garlic cloves. Then apply rose water on hair well and wait for half an hour. Now take some amount of garlic juice and apply it on your hair and scalp and massage it for 5 minutes. After half an hour comb your hair thoroughly with a comb and wash your hair with lukewarm water. After 15 minutes, wash your hair again with conditioner. Taking care of your hair like this twice a week will reduce hair loss. New hair will also grow.

Use of garlic and ginger paste
First take 7-8 cloves of garlic and two inches of ginger. Now blend the two ingredients well. Heat half a cup of castor oil and ginger-garlic paste in a pot. Simmer until the mixture turns brown. Then let cool and strain the mixture to collect the oil. Massage this oil on the scalp when it is cold. Wash your hair well after half an hour.

Use of garlic and honey
Crush a few garlic cloves and extract the juice. Now mix a teaspoon of honey with it. Apply the mixture on the hair and scalp and wait for twenty minutes. Then wash off. Massaging this mixture on the hair 3 times a week will strengthen the hair roots. Hair loss will also stop.

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