Saturday, July 27, 2024

Things you should never say to a child

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Parenting is not an easy task It is important to know what to say to the child and when to say it

Parenting is not an easy task. It is important to know what to say to the child and when to say it. The words you say carry a lot of weight when talking to a child. Your words shape their perceptions and emotions. It’s important to be mindful of what we say, because some words can unintentionally damage their self-esteem and confidence. Let’s find out what words should be avoided with the child-

“You’re okay, nothing happened.”
When a child is hurt, we lie to stop him from crying. Say, ‘You are fine, nothing happened’. Is it really so? If you are in a lot of pain, can you accept it if someone tells you that you are fine, nothing is wrong with you? Children, however, feel emotions just as intensely as adults. When they are upset or hurt, acknowledge their feelings. They will grow up with the right experience. Then empathize with his pain.

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“Say sorry now!”
It is important to teach the child to apologize, but do not apologize without understanding the offense. Instead of apologizing, help them understand the impact of their actions. Want to know the whole matter from him and ask him what should be done in such a situation. If he made a mistake in this, he would easily understand.

‘Do it because I said so’
Authority is important, but it must be reasonable. A child is not obligated to do anything just because you say so. Because he is also a different person. Remember, people’s personality starts forming from childhood. So he cannot be misled. Forcing him to do everything means missing an opportunity to teach critical thinking and decision-making skills. Instead, explain the reasoning behind your request in a way they can understand. For example, ‘We have to leave the park now because it’s getting dark, and we have to get home safely.’

“stop crying”
Telling a child to stop crying means dismissing his emotions and suppressing his feelings. Instead, give him comfort and reassurance. Hug her and tell her, ‘It’s okay to cry. I’m here for you’. Help the child express emotions. It will make their growth easier.

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