Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Toronto Police Service Now Hiring Police Constables

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The Toronto Police Service is looking for people with a passion for public service to become the next generation of police constables.

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That is the crux of a new digital and print campaign organized by the Service in collaboration with the Toronto Police Association (TPA) focused on finding people in search of an extraordinary experience and meaningful career.

“TPS is a great place to work and serve the community. We are looking for people who are compassionate and want to help make things better in this city,” said Talent Acquisition Superintendent Ishmail Musah. “We are asking those people that live in Toronto or close to Toronto and are thinking about a career change or a first career to give us a chance.”

The Service is aiming to hire at least 300 officers in the next year.

“Like every other industry, we are trying to compete for the best and brightest,” noted Musah, of the competitive job market. “We are now using the digital space as a platform to get our message out as part of the modernization of our recruiting efforts.”

The senior officer joined the Service 23 years ago.

“I have been in this city since age three and after completing university, I was looking for a career that would offer me the opportunity to give back to community,” Musah said. “After talking to a Toronto Police officer, I was convinced that policing is a career I wanted to be in. Being hired by the TPS is one the best things that ever happened for me.”

TPA President Jon Reid said he is excited to support the campaign and welcome another generation of police officers to a career he still loves.

“I always wanted to be a police officer,” said Reid, who served over 30 years with the Toronto Police Service before leading the TPA. “One of the things that attracted me is every day is different. Every day you sit in that scout car and the radio goes off, you do not know what situation you are dealing with. It could be something very mundane or very serious. I never wanted a 9-5 job. We have to make sure people are aware of that before they go into the profession. There is also so much variety in policing. There are over 100 different positions within the Service for Constables and you could transition from position to position over your career without ever changing employers.”

The campaign consists of online advertising that has been clicked on over 30,000 times leading to an increase to the number of people learning more at as well as an increase in the number of applicants to police constable and other policing roles.

TPS officers have lent their stories to the campaign of why they chose policing and specifically the Toronto Police Service on the website and in social media.

Rookie Constable Jessica White is happy she made the leap to policing after starting a career in the financial sector.

“I knew I always wanted a career that was going to be challenging and not one-dimensional. I was looking for a career that would allow me to grow within the Service and as an individual. I enjoy being on the frontline speaking and engaging with the community,” said White.


TPS logo with text: Ready for Purpose? Serve the People of Toronto
Transit users will see similar ads throughout on the TTC and GO Transit this month encouraging people to consider a career in policing


Constable Farhan Ali is philosophical when talking about why he wanted to become a police officer.

“The world needs more empathy,” said the 53 Division Neighbourhood Officer. “Growing up, I was always the guy that my friends called for advice and a shoulder to lean on. I figure if I could do this for a living, why not?”

What advice would Ali, who has on the job 15 years, offer young people thinking about giving policing a shot?

“There has to be something that you want to do out of the goodness of your heart more than for the paycheque,” said Ali, noting the stability afforded by good pay, benefits and a pension is not something he takes for granted. “This is a calling and if you inherently want to help people, this is the job for you.”

Advertising is also appearing on TTC subway cars and platforms and GO trains. This supplements ongoing efforts by Recruiting Officers who attend events and hold mentoring sessions with potential recruits.

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