Saturday, July 27, 2024

How long is the politics of making beggars?

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Rather than learning from past experiences they have found it appropriate to beg for mercy

‘people of India have given verdict against Modi’s corruption and communalism in Lok Sabha elections’ this may be true for the whole of India but not true for India’s second poorest state, West Bengal. Bengalis in West Bengal knowingly welcomed Mamata Banerjee’s welfare policy in the Lok Sabha elections as an indemnity for the ongoing corruption of the past decade.

Rather than learning from past experiences, they have found it appropriate to beg for mercy. While Mamata’s corruption in the middle class of West Bengal has been rife with terrorism, corruption has had no impact on the vast poor population, as can be seen from the election results. Trinamool Congress got a total of 29 seats and showed that Narendra Modi does not understand Mamata’s game.

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1977 to 2011 34 consecutive years of the Mandate of the Bengalis of West Bengal, the leftists made them lazy and gluttonous by eating free rice and dal in their rations that they had a separate happiness in living a jobless life without work and talking all day long in the corner tea shop and drinking tea in clay cups. . These hypocritical leftists continued to nationalize the mills, introduced trade unionism in them, made them unprofitable, and finally closed them down. As a result, West Bengal could never progress in the race of development with other states of India. When I went to West Bengal in 1985, I was amazed to see the dilapidated roads, dilapidated buildings, unemployment and poverty there. Even though the development of Bangladesh was not that much at that time, crossing the border, I felt that we were much better than West Bengal.

It took some time for the anti-intellectual grandfathers of West Bengal to disenchant with the communists. When Congress came to power, West Bengal would not have been poor as it is today, but the Bengalis were said to be lazy. It is their usual habit to kill each other by maintaining enmity with the central government. Mamata Banerjee, a very influential leader of the Congress, saw that the Congress would not get the votes of the Bengalis by drinking these stupid things. He should combine the Left and the Congress to form a middle type semi-socialist party with some scheme of welfare or simply alms giving.

The desire to eat free among the Bengalis of West Bengal should be exploited. Mamata’s party was also named in revolutionary style…Trinamool Congress. Everything left was there free ration system poor mother allowance etc along with social development schemes like Lakshir Bhandar, Janashree, Yuvashree, Khadya Sathi, Sabuj Sathi etc. What else do lazy rice-eating Bengalis want? As soon as the month goes by, five hundred cash of Lakshir Bhandar. The joy of Bengali can’t hold anymore. Happy to get five hundred, they don’t have that high aspiration that they can get fifty thousand to five lakh in a month if they are self-reliant!! Far from ending unemployment in the state, the state government has no projects other than handouts, no employment, no factories, no reluctance to attract investment, in short creating a poor population and bribing the poor people and youths in the name of allowances to block their ambitions and self-reliance. Since 2012, Mamata has been playing the game of power politics since 2012. And the stupid cowardly Bengalis are flattering Mairi Didi by saying how good she is!!

There was a guarantee in the monthly alms that Mamata used to give to the poor people of West Bengal as part of her social development. To bring BJP to power in West Bengal, Narendra Modi also guaranteed stipends to the beggar-eating Bengalis. But Bengalis did not trust it. Mamata ran the propaganda that when Modi comes, everything will be stopped, then what will the poor eat. Fearing to lose the frog’s dust in this, the poor consider Mamata as a close person and confidant. Mamata did not allow any state development scheme of the central government to be implemented in the last ten years, lest Modi gain popularity.

Mamata used to say that I will not let it happen, I will not let that happen. He actually didn’t let anything happen. Tata did not allow the company’s billion-dollar motor vehicle manufacturing project to materialize. It has gone to Gujarat. No foreign investment was allowed. Because if the Bengali youths are self-reliant, his politics of theft and robbery will stop. Like the left, he has dwarfed the babus of West Bengal by drinking cheap liquor and poetry writers, film actors, actresses, journalists, writers, writers and Nobel laureate intellectuals are collaborating in his development-destroying politics.

Is Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar a supporter of Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalism? Certainly not. Chandrababu Naidu is not secular? But they are two parties of Narendra Modi’s NDA alliance. Despite not being an all-India party, their parties are developing their states by maintaining strategic ties with the Centre. So why are the people of West Bengal giving unconditional support to a power-hungry, hypocrite, terrorist recruiter like Mamata who is full of money sacks of corruption. In the politics of West Bengal, the communists were sitting like a stone on the neck of the people for 34 years. There was no economic development of the state then. Can you tell how long the politics of Trinamool social welfare or making beggars will last?

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