Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Lytton is dead. I was surprised to see this status when I entered Facebook in the middle of work. The status was given by my sister. I can’t imagine how it is possible that a fresh young healthy, strong person has gone so suddenly.
Hey Lytton, Lytton is my dear brother. Soul relatives without blood relation.

The memories of the last few decades are hitting my mind one by one with him. Taking away from the flow of real life again and again. My eyes are watering I have been crying alone since yesterday when I got the news.

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Lyton appears in front of me every now and then. His hearty smile, funny talk, how many memories make me happy, seeing Liton around.

No one knows when people go helpless to death. Litton’s death reminded him again with his fingers in his eyes.

Our society is very corrupt, we discriminate between people. I don’t know why we keep some people in the society down. But in particular, it can be seen that the people who are kept untouched are very big-hearted people.
They are the ones who allow us to feel sad and happy, they are the ones who keep us.

I learned to think of people as the same, this teaching came from my family.

If my parents had taught me to judge people by their caste, religion and money, I would never have had anything to do with Lytton. But I didn’t get that education. Rather, I saw that all people who come to our family are treated like family members.

Amena became a widow with three small sons and daughters. They have been coming to our house since before that. Amena is my mother’s right hand. Amena’s mother-in-law Lyton’s grandmother also used to come and sit in our house.

Lyton is the youngest of three children. He was three or four years old when he started visiting our house. Goes to school but is not interested in studies. It is a great pleasure to sit in front of the television that comes to our house.

Playing with my younger sisters. One is called Rangadi and the other is Didimani. With them as well as fear. There was also a sibling rivalry. To send something somewhere, to buy something from the market. There was no fatigue in organizing all the arrangements for any event, going to the market every now and then to inform him. Without Liton, they are also helpless.

Mother’s bowl, cup of tea is never given. This is how my parents became strong hands to stand by my parents.

We siblings stay away from home for our own studies. Back home on vacation. After spending a few days as a guest, I went back to the hostel. Again, we siblings are busy in our own world while spending time with our parents.
Two brothers Lyton, Khokon live next to their parents. Now grown up, the responsibility of cleaning city roads, DC office is on them.

The responsibility of this work is not limited to government work only cleaning. Every officer who comes to the city becomes two brothers who are loved by everyone. They want to know, how did you learn such a beautiful work? Such good manners are not found among you, children of very good families. How do you learn?

In response to such questions, they proudly say, I learned from my mother and father. Who is your father, mother?

My father and mother are doctors and his wife. No matter how much work they have in their office and outside the office, they come to serve their parents every day. They know that if they don’t go, many tasks of parents will not be completed. So he took time to bear all the hardships and came to our house. In the evening tea was made and parents used to play Ludoo with their parents. The story was funny. So that they never feel alone.

Closing doors and windows in huge houses is not less work. They stay together till late at night when no one is home. Again, when everyone in the house goes out, they are given the keys to look after the house. They have become so special to us.
When I went home in the morning, I would not be satisfied if I did not have tea made by Liton. Every festival we had was their festival.

When I am in Dhaka. Occasionally Lytton would appear, carrying various items tied up by his parents. From raw fish to cooked curries, pitha puli, ghee, there was never anyone to carry the huge baggage.

I went to different places of the country with my father. It is great to know that there is a huge country outside the city. As Abba used to introduce him to various historical places, he used to stay by Abba’s side to see that Abba did not face any difficulties.

Once I heard that my brother was very ill and was being driven to the hospital by Lyton sitting in the car from the road. As it was. He had no idea of taking his work, another suit of clothes with him.

His main concern was that his brother was sick, he had to be by his side. The brother who was in the hospital for several days did not move from his side. If he made a little noise, he would get restless and ask if the doctor would be called. She had no nursing training but was a great servant. It was his duty to take the mother’s son back to the mother. Otherwise, all liability will fall on him.

Once my younger sister’s teenage son fell off the roof of our second floor. No one in our house got the news even then. People picked him up from the road and took him to the hospital. Who ran and told Liton that your grandmother’s son had fallen from the roof. Lyton was the first to appear at the hospital. No one in the house knew about the accident or could not reach the hospital after hearing the news. None of those who took him to the hospital could identify the boy, Lyton took all the responsibility to ensure that the boy was treated well by his nephew’s doctor.

When the boy wakes up from unconsciousness, he sees Liton among strangers, hugs him as Liton uncle, and gets comfort. Lytton also held her between the chest while the doctor cleaned out the many shards of glass that had penetrated her back. My eyes were watering but I was reassuring you that nothing will happen to you, I am by your side. He was telling these difficult stories while laughing but my eyes were getting wet again and again.

Once I got home, my daughter was very young, lying on the bed, Liton came to see me, standing by the bed and talking. I am sitting on the bed. Suddenly the earthquake started and in less than a second he picked up my daughter and ran down to the yard. I was told that I took my mother, you come slowly and get well. This was a terrible sudden thought in his head. I have not seen such quick thinking in many educated people.

When I went to the country Lytton used to go round the town with me. He used to say that you did not walk so much before. Now if I go to the walking country and sit down to work, it seems that the body gets rusty. Give me your broom tomorrow, I will clean the road for you. Laughter would end. What are you saying? You don’t go out for a walk alone. The city is not what it used to be. Full of bad people. He used to walk with me with a torch till 10:11 in the night. We used to walk for a long time. Even though he was tired after the day’s work, he would keep me on the mountain because of his sense of duty.

One day I was sitting on the bank of the river while walking and suddenly it rained heavily. There were several boys from the city and Romain said to me, I have a Honda with me, let me deliver it. Get wet in the rain. No problem, I will get wet in the rain today. Returned home drenched in torrential rain around 9pm, Lyton and I soaked in silence. On the way, the mangoes of many trees fell in the Baisakhi storm, we laughed and picked them all with the joy of childhood.

we will fish Take the boat to the middle of the pond. Covered with darkness. When it is caught in the middle, it is Liton’s job to carefully remove it from the bag and put it in the bone. We just enjoyed fishing by casting.

How many stories were in his basket of stories, he used to laugh at everyone. But there is no comparison in the sincerity of such love. Human use makes him huge. Lytton did a lot of good things that made him great rather than his position.

My father was a fool, he had simple faith in people and many people cheated him. He could understand these misdeeds of people. He used to say to dad, “Dad, don’t pay attention to all these people. I couldn’t say everything openly.” This is how he got that level of speaking sense. Abba used to say, “Except for distant sons, they cannot harm me.” “That’s what my father said, but you, my mind was like that, I think I’ll give them good air, but I can’t do anything for my father.”

Apa, one day I saw some boys of the city with a girl, (teasing). I stood behind and watched for a long time. The girl seemed to be going home after coaching and the road near our house was deserted. It’s evening. When I saw the boys trying to touch the girl, I ran and stood in front of them.

Four or five boys were scared at first but came towards me. But I ran away alone. I will bring the girl home later. Not everyone does this risking their lives to move forward.

Many such events, many stories around Lytton are floating in the pages of memories.

One day he said very politely, you will keep the word alone.

I don’t know if I was shocked to see his modesty. I said, I will keep it if I listen to it. You are invited to my house tomorrow evening. Why are you pretending to say this? I will go but I don’t have to invite. No, father, father, if one day I can’t take my sister home and feed her, my father will not be upset. It filled my heart to hear how much great thought was behind his invitation. The next evening I went to his house and saw a grand arrangement. They bought many things apart from their own cooking. I said you know I don’t eat outside food but why did you buy so much food. I play the food prepared by his wife for fun. His sons and daughters have grown up and introduced them. The girl will get married, that’s right. A little more study saw the girl.

If the environment is good or bad, I will marry you. I can say many things but they have to adapt to the situation. Actions should be taken in that way.

My sister restricted them from coming home during Corona. They roam all over the city. It also comes from afar to help as much as it can. Mind doesn’t mean. One day two brothers came together to take news of me abroad or very bad situation how are you all? I want to talk to you, Grandma. My sister called and talked to us.

If tea was not in Liton’s hand, your tea would not be fun, how do you do, all work alone. His surprising question to me. I told you that I learned to do everything from your mother once, but I didn’t need to do anything because you were there, I used that knowledge. You take me to you. You don’t need to do anything. It would be great to have you, you do all the work and I sit down and write.

That’s your job. I heard you are very cold there, it would be good for me, I need cold. I feel very hot.

What is this Lytton? Where did you escape before coming to me? Brother, you got cold before coming to the country of cold.

Toronto, Canada

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