Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Photo by Steve Johnson

I left the coffee shop and came straight home. As soon as I reached home, my student Peu’s grandmother Mrs. Rehana Begmer called. They had a family meeting today, that’s why it’s five days off for PU. Or I don’t give gap more than 3/4 days after my exam. And I like to talk with her grandmother, so after her reading, I often sit in her room and chat. No one has time to listen to the happiness and sadness of an elderly person, I sit next to him out of humanity. I know why he likes me a lot. An old man, but very wise. If he got the opportunity to study, he could have established himself in a good profession.

Today, I wanted to think about the things that have passed in one situation all day, but Rehana Begum’s phone can not be answered.

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– Hello, Assalamu Alaikum

– Walaikum Assalam, how are you?

– Alhamdulillah, good. how are you

– I called to give my news. Today I made a big deal. Like your advice, I have spoken with a little courage by suppressing my emotions.

– Wow! excellent

– Will you do me a favor tomorrow?

– If you can, of course, tell me

– Tomorrow morning at 8:30 I will go to the physiotherapy center in front of the government college. Can you go ahead and receive me with their people?

– I can, no problem. You can rest assured.

Tuli put down the phone and thought. As promised, he will go tomorrow. But don’t know how to do it.

Rehana Begum breathed a sigh of relief. You can’t think of going back on what you said in the afternoon. So if Tuli didn’t agree then he would be unprepared tomorrow.

Tuli shook the thoughts of the next day from her mind and started thinking about Bakul and Iraj. Thinking about everything from the first day of Eraj’s acquaintance with Bakul until now, when did he fall asleep. Had a random dream at night.

Woke up at 6:30 the next morning. After getting fresh, he sat on his reading table with a pen and book to calculate. If you look closely there are many ways to disprove Iraj. But whether Bakul accepts it is the question. Bakul points out the words that need to be told. Suddenly the phone rang and she remembered Rehana Begum’s name on the screen. Received the phone and informed that the Tuli will arrive on time.

After a light breakfast, Tuli went out and told her mother about Rehana Begum. Reached the hospital and talked to the reception beforehand. As soon as Rehana Begum arrived, she was received with great care. Then the therapy started following all the rules. As per the rules, the therapy ended at 10:30 PM, but Rehana Begum had a conversation with the sisters in the meantime. It didn’t take long to warm to everyone. As a result, when Tuli came to pick him up at 11 after finishing his work, he never left. Instead, he sat Tuli beside him and had a private conversation for a while. He informed Tuli about the events of the previous day, discussed in detail what he said in front of everyone, how his daily routine might be. Tuli explained to Rehana Begum that she cannot stay here from morning to afternoon every day. Every place has a rule, moreover the body also has a rest. Spending so much time in the therapy center every day will not be good for the body. But Rehana Begum did not listen. He just took it as if Tuli would respond if he called Tuli at the wrong time. Tulio agreed after considering everything. In fact, at this age, how helpless a person makes a strange decision to be angry with the family, although he did not fully understand, he was guessing. Because, four days of the week, he spends two hours at his home for puking. Even if you don’t want to know some events, you get to know them, you get to see them.

At the end of each person’s day, there needs to be a separate place. Where he is the king of his kingdom. In that state he has no happiness if he cannot talk to himself with his head held high, if a life without self-respect becomes his constant companion. And this little unhappiness is enough to rob a person of his peaceful sleep. Rehana Begum was enduring every day for the past few years.

Although Tuli did not know the whole thing, she understood that Rehana Begum did not have her own place. And so, although Rehana Begum’s request was inconsistent, Tuli respected that request. So after the therapy, whenever Tuli got a chance, Rehana would take Begum to Tuli’s own house. He used to talk to his mother all day and would deliver home in the evening. And the whole thing was happening in the secret of Rehana Begum’s family.

Rehana Begum was regaining her life day by day. Along with regular therapy, he needed mental peace.

The man named Shafiq who married me today, I don’t know how he is as a person. But now it is seven o’clock in the evening. I have not spoken to him since noon. I have been brought to the house of yesterday’s nivu nivu alor. Then two women came and took me back to the old woman, one of them whispered in my ear, “Say hello to your mother-in-law.”

After I saluted, the woman saw me holding all the ornaments around my ears and neck. Then he turned his face to the other side saying the words “Sab Sanatani”. Abba was angry with Amma and did not eat anything since morning, even here no one managed to eat. Hungry is spinning. I know why I remember the two younger siblings very much. Tears are coming from the eyes. I don’t understand what to do. It is uncomfortable to sit in such a dark room. My eternal journey has begun… While thinking about these things, I suddenly saw a person come into the room with a tray in his hand. The crimson sherbet of the day is two sweets in one plate. I really wanted to give me a hot plate of rice with green chillies and any fish or fish broth. But, when I was a child, my mother forbade me to ask for food when I went to someone new’s house, so I didn’t say anything. He is crying again as he remembers his mother’s words. Why did I have to leave the house?

I couldn’t guess how long the night would be, someone came and took me to a room and let me eat rice. Seeing the appearance of the food, I understood the cooking by my mother’s hands. The mood turned bad again. Despite being very hungry, I could not eat anything due to anger and pride. After eating, a girl said, “If you eat so little, will you have the strength to work? There is a lot of work to be done in this room.”

– What will you be to me?

– I am your brother-in-law’s wife, I mean Ja. Although you were supposed to come to this house earlier, but the elder brother did not want to get married earlier, so he married the younger son earlier. And so I came first. And I can’t tell you. ok?

– Hmm, okay. Who is the other woman who took me to that room?

– He is our Nanad. Will continue to calculate with him. Come now, go to the next room and sleep, if you need anything, come to this room, I am here.

After being taken to the next room, I saw a man named Shafiq sitting on a bed. As soon as I went to the room, he told me, “There are malta on the table, cut them.”

I came to the next room with malta and a plate and looked for my wallet, but I couldn’t find it. I saw a knife on the table and cut Malta with it. Looking at my hand, taking the plate, Sharifa started calling someone Sharifa. Sharifa appeared within seconds. I understand that the nun’s name is Sharifa. As soon as she came, she said, “This girl is new, she doesn’t know how to eat. Won’t you teach me?”

– Should we go to learn? If you don’t go, how will you understand? What is the wife? If you told me or your wife how to cut Malta, would you have a blister on your face?

– I went to the next room without seeing anyone and got the knife and cut it with the knife. I really don’t understand.

– Why can it? You have already understood how to be good to your son-in-law. Now come with me, see how to cut fruit, and eat it for the rest of your life.

I didn’t understand a whole lot of words. I just noticed that I was getting sleepy looking at the way they were cutting Malta. One time I came to the room with a mortar plate cut in a strange way. The man named Shafiq was praying. I put the plate on the table and lay down on the bed.

Shafiq woke me up at seven in the morning. I didn’t know anyone called sleeping people like that. Shafiq’s call and sat up. This man is talking continuously. Give me breakfast quickly. Give Amma medicine before breakfast. Will ask Sharifa if she needs anything in the house. He will call me if he wants. Why are you still sitting? get up It took time to realize where I am and why I am there The grumbling of this man upon him. But I got up, I was going to leave the room, I was shocked again, this girl! You have been wearing this dress since yesterday, why are you going to the kitchen wearing this dress again? Shit! So untidy? Go change your clothes.

Didn’t know where the clothes were, suddenly noticed that the man was praying before going to sleep at night where I saw a bag next to him. I opened that bag and saw two cotton sarees. I read it somehow. I will wash my hands and leave the room and call again. He took her by the hand and dragged her to the bathroom. He took water in his hand and poured it on my head. Then he gritted his teeth and said, “You don’t need to wipe the water from your head, let’s go with a cloth over the wet head.” And the clothes should not be removed from the head. I also said ok and went to the kitchen. I saw Ja in the kitchen making bread. Seeing me with a smile said, this is actually in the kitchen? Work is almost done. Put the vegetables in the basket, cut them and put them in the oven. Bhaijan will eat with mother and leave for office. I did as he said. My family journey has begun.

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