Saturday, July 27, 2024

My offenses…

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I always admit that I have many flaws as a human being

I always admit that I have many flaws as a human being. We usually expect 100% perfection from others. I complain whenever I don’t get it. As others expect perfection from me, so do I. But none of us can give 100%. The most complaint against me is my wife. He thinks I do everything wrong.

I don’t do anything right. I don’t sleep on time, wake up at night, people with diabetes have bad waking up at night. I sit on Facebook in the name of writing. I don’t take medicine on time, I don’t know which medicine to take with which medicine, I didn’t know the information that calcium and milk can’t be taken together. He read the article. I should eat more fruits. I have not learned to eat fruit. I should walk or go to the gym every day. Eating cheese is forbidden for me. I do all the irregularities.

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Listening to her complaints sometimes makes me feel like I really am. I can’t do anything. Husbands also want hundred percent from their wives. If they don’t get it, they complain against their wives. The biggest disagreement in the world is between husband and wife. But still they live together in a strange way. live a long life There is love, there is bond of affection, there is bitterness, and there is habit of being together.

It is true that I cannot do everything according to the rules. When I can’t even do what I should do. The secret of what makes people successful is unknown to me. I don’t know how to make people happy. Every now and then I make mistakes and hear complaints. I am plagued by complaints. Not that I don’t try to do right. But still mistakes happen. Unknowingly, mountains of mistakes accumulate.

Complaints against me by my wife, complaints against me by my relatives, my friends, acquaintances and some readers too. A reader wrote in the comment that day, I only write about my own life. He does not want to listen to us. I rarely complain myself. I also have pride, suffering, pain. But I don’t like to complain. There is no complaint against me except my son Ark, and my daughter Aritri.

They prefer to let their father have his way. Not all complaints are serious type, most of them are sweet complaints. I find my crutches from that too. A friend of mine went to Hajj once, he came back fine but I didn’t want to know anything about it. It was a big crew. I forgot that it was my friend’s father’s first death anniversary, it’s natural to complain about that. Siblings often call and complain that I am not in touch. Do not call regularly!

Those who truly love me, those who are my true friends, those whom I love also have grievances. Being close, I don’t always inquire about everything. I thought to myself that this little crew of mine would be nice to them. But many give capital punishment for minor crimes. Many dismiss me from the friendship account out of arrogance.

So many promises, so many assurances, so many trusts all vanish like camphor in an instant. But I can’t. I wait until the end, thinking he will understand me, understand my mind. From these things, I understand how incomplete and insignificant I am as a human being. How much is mine? I know for sure that I will never overcome these difficulties and become a perfect person. A life with these. I can’t hold anything back and it’s my fault…

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