Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fears of growing numbers against disarmament

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Today for almost 25 years nine countries possess nuclear weapons

From Brazil to Sweden, 31 countries sought to become nuclear-powered, 17 countries began formal weapons programs and plans. Finally, today, nearly 25 years on, nine countries possess nuclear weapons. Despite long-standing efforts, it is becoming more and more difficult to stop the increase in the number of weapons of mass destruction in the world.

For the past 20 years, most of the countries that are ambitious to acquire nuclear weapons include countries like Libya and Syria. In the coming decade, it is likely that it will be difficult to contain the ambitions of the economically and diplomatically powerful country. China’s rapidly expanding regional dominance and North Korea’s growing nuclear arsenal are repeated fears for South Korea and Japan, even though both countries are economically prosperous powers. Iran’s nuclear weapons program is clouding the thinking of Saudi Arabia and Turkey. The proliferation of nuclear weapons is not a continuous process, however, it is like an infectious disease trying to spread. If its deterrence, suppression and restraint are weak, it is more likely to fail quickly and if left unchecked, the world will face a brutal threat.

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The signal of nuclear fission is often ominous. Arms-control agreements between the US and Russia reduced 38,000 weapons of mass destruction between 1991 and 2010, a 79% reduction. Joe Biden and Putin agreed on January 26, 2021, to extend the annexation agreement for five more years — a new journey. The news is applaudable, but the prospects for what follows are vague or dim. China, India, North Korea and Pakistan are all busy expanding and modernizing their nuclear capabilities. Global disarmament progress is disappointing. Absolutism This nuclear non-proliferation agreement, however, is the basis for bringing power into order. On 22 January 2021, 86 countries banned nuclear bombs by signing a new treaty. As a result, the desperation of a country that does not yet possess the bomb but is ambitious is noticeable. Today we can be said to be somewhat of a pioneer in achieving peace.

If the ban on nuclear weapons is not effective, security will continue to deteriorate, and no country will be arrogant enough to use an unwanted bomb. In past decades, the US has somewhat deterred nuclear weapons ambitions by imposing economic or diplomatic sanctions and, where necessary, using force, such as in Iraq. Furthermore, today’s American economy is not like it used to be. Moreover, friendly countries were also disappointed during Donald Trump’s fierce stance. It remains to be seen how much protection America would be willing to provide or be able to exert effective dominance if needed. All eyes are now Mr. On Biden, how much will he be able to restore lost convictions?

Consider America’s nuclear blanket spread over its friends in Asia. Collectively, the pledge was that if North Korea or China, Seoul or Tokyo were hit, America would immediately respond to Pyongyang or Beijing. Such intimidation of America in past decades was a sure confidence for loyal friends. At the time, America’s home port was beyond the range of North Korea’s missiles. It is no longer there. San-Francisco will be at risk as a result of America’s attack on Pyongyang. Mr. for this situation. Biden may renege on earlier pledges, emboldening Kim Jong Un to strike Seoul. So it is not surprising if South Korea wants to acquire nuclear weapons again.

The nuclear ambitions of democracies like South Korea, Japan and Taiwan are concrete political realities. The Middle East, however, is different. Iran’s nuclear program is on the wane and on the verge of collapse. Mr. Biden is seeking to revive friendship with Iran, while many of its nuclear arsenals are set to expire in the coming days. Moreover, if Iran once again decides to get its nuclear power, Saudi Arabia will not want to be left behind. Md. Bin Salman, the Saudi crown prince, is testing some calculations of the country’s nuclear ambitions and its regulatory capabilities. Turkey, however, would like to follow suit.

If the fabric of the nuclear chain continues to loosen, it will be almost impossible to stop the proliferation of weapons. So taking action today is crucial. America, China, Europe and Russia are equally interested in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons. On the other hand, the prospect of Japan owning nuclear weapons is a nightmare for China.

Nuclear power countries should focus on basic or primary aspects first. Today, America and Russia definitely own 90% of the world’s missiles, the effort should start with their hands. America’s triad of nuclear capabilities, stored on land, in submarines at sea, and in bombers in the air. Disarming missiles on the ground can demonstrate real disarmament progress without any hindrance.

Arms control between the US and Russia has the potential to persuade China, avoiding an unstable inflationary situation, to extend a helping hand in the near future. And if China is restrained, it will definitely affect India and Pakistan.

America’s significant role will be to extend the hand of friendship to calm the nerves of North Korea and Iran, Mr. Biden has already promised to restore ties.

Strict worldwide monitoring of designated nuclear research sites is needed to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The Gupta news agency was able to clearly and cleanly present the Iranian-like roguery. Today we want to remain focused and warn ahead of time, any change in nuclear technology over proliferation, especially where the political will is clear, like in South Korea and Turkey. The International Atomic Energy Agency, the world’s nuclear watchdog, is doing an admirable job, regulating civilian nuclear sites and policing Iran’s program through strict inspections and vigilance. Although the organization is under enormous pressure and underfunded, there is also potential to keep pace with technology implementation.

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