Saturday, July 27, 2024

Adivasi women are killed six times than non-Adivasi

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According to the report from 2009 to 2021 more than half of the murders of Indigenous women and girls were charged with first degree murder But tribal cases are often charged with second degree murder

The results of a new study were published on Wednesday. It shows how the murders of indigenous women and girls go through the justice system. What is the outcome of the trial of these murders compared to non-indigenous women and girls?

According to the report, from 2009 to 2021, more than half of the murders of Indigenous women and girls were charged with first-degree murder. But tribal cases are often charged with second-degree murder.

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According to Statistics Canada data, Indigenous women and girls were murdered at six times the rate of non-Indigenous people during this period.

The day the report was released was Sisters in Spirit Day and the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIAPlus People’s Day. 2SLGBTQQIAPlus stands for Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Asexual and people of other sexual orientations and genders.

From 2009 to 2021, 87 per cent of homicides of Aboriginal women and girls were solved, Statistics Canada said. 90 percent of cases of killing of non-indigenous women and girls have been resolved. In both cases, 55 percent were sentenced.

The report also said that most of the tribal women and girls were killed by acquaintances. Most of the accused in these incidents are tribals.

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