Saturday, July 27, 2024

A New Belayet

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A New Belayet

Amira returned home in the evening and thought, how will the day go? Parents meeting tomorrow at kids school. So far they have attended all the meetings together. But tomorrow he will go alone? He is not yet used to communication, he is very dependent on belayet. I don’t agree with anything about going alone, but I don’t want to call Belayet out of anger and shame. All the old memories are coming back again and again. Suddenly his cell phone rang and his mind lit up with happiness. The phone ran out of reach. The number is not a saved number. At the rate junk calls come in these days, he’s sure it’ll probably be nothing like that. The mind gets upset. She went to the kitchen and started preparing dinner. The phone rang again, the same landline number.

How the chest rises up. He stands motionless in front of the phone. The phone rings. As soon as Musa ran to answer the phone, Sambit returned to Amir. He took the receiver from the boy’s hand. He heard a long sigh, the south wind coming through the open window and blowing his tousled hair. Just like Belayet used to. Suddenly he became calm, this breath that he always knew! She called out in an emotional voice, ‘Hello!’ No, there was no answer. Again he said ‘hello’ in a trembling voice, this time the other side was silent. The third time he said ‘hello’ he heard that sigh again. This time there is no mistake in recognizing Amira. It’s definitely a belayet. But by then the line was cut.

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He said hello, hello for a while longer, no, the line was cut. As he turned and walked towards the kitchen, the phone rang again. This time he ran for the second time before the ring buzzer and picked up the phone saying ‘hello’ when he heard Amina’s voice. He said, ‘What’s the matter, sister, sitting with the phone in your hand all the time? If you catch it before the ring rings?’ Amina is still thinking, ‘Was it Belayet?’ She left it? Why?’ Amina’s screams, he regained consciousness.

Amina: Sister, in which world do you live?

Amira: Why, what happened?

Amina: I asked the same thing so many times, there is no answer!

Amira: No, I was thinking, what will I do tomorrow? what to say feeling nervous

Amina: We have already rehearsed for that, haven’t we? What happened to think again? And if there is more tension, tell me, I can give them proxy as their mother. Even so, you feel like my little sister, I feel like my big sister. Can’t understand anything. I have no problem with that. Hello, sister, are you listening at all? I think something is wrong. What happened, shake a little and see!

Amira: No, where, nothing!

Amina: How do you sound bored today! What do you say, or should I come home?

Amira: No, no, you don’t have to come, don’t you have work tomorrow morning? fall asleep

Amina: Then tell me quickly, what happened? Is the owner of the salon proposing to you? What do you think so much?

Amira: All your nonsense! I am the mother of three children, who will propose to me? And I am still Belayat’s wife.

Amina: Hmmm, I can see that, if you count the days, yesterday is 100 days, today is his wife again! This sister, what happened, said!

Amira: He did not call today!

Amina: What does it mean? I have been missing for 100 days and called today? And the phone you hold or as what? Have you forgotten everything?

Amira gets angry at this stage and stops Amina saying that she grabbed the phone without knowing it, and by hearing the breath it sounds like it was Belayt.

Amina: Well, give me the number, if I pick up the phone and hear the voice, I will understand.

Amira texts the number to her sister. Belayet used to always call Amina’s cell number, but Belayet does not have her new landline number. So Amina calls Belayet from the landline, puts the phone on loud speaker, and Amira is still on the line, listening. Amir’s chest heaved as the ring rang. A clear, ‘hello’ from Belayet’s gravely masculine voice left no doubt to either of the Dubon brothers that it was Belayet’s book and no one else. Amina cut the line after hearing ‘Hello’.

This time, Amina said to Amira with the attitude of her elder sister, ‘Listen, you understand the pain of being alone, if she wants to come back this time, don’t complain anymore, give her a chance. You need a husband to send your children to school, you can’t live alone. Amir was very stubborn in these words. He says, ‘I can. Couldn’t this three months? I can do it in the future.

By that time, the three children came forward and stood in line. Who called mother? Yeast? I will speak! They call Khalamani ‘Khammi’, and everyone is crazy to say Khammi! Amira said, “It’s night, now we have to sleep, in the morning there is work for Khammir, and we also have to go to school.” So now eat, sleep. When Khammi comes tomorrow, we will talk.

The next morning he woke up to the sound of the bell. It’s still dark outside. At this time, no one ever comes! who came

When the door opened Belayt stood in front. The eyes are bright red bloodshot, the hair on the head is dry. Amira does not understand why today? And this way or why? What will he say? What will you do? Is it right to take him to school in this situation? Looks like drunk!

On the other hand, Belayet came inside almost pushing Amira. He closed the door quickly and said, ‘What, I entered, don’t you want to understand? What is the drama at the door? Who is inside?’

Amira looks surprised. So far back, what is the use? At that time Musa came and stood behind. He follows Amira like a shadow every moment. Musa said in a sleepy voice, “Mom, what happened?” Why are you not sleeping? Belayet said from the side, “Do you think you don’t know your father these days?” Or has another father joined?

Amira lost her patience and said, ‘You have come after so long to tell such nonsense to children?’

Belayet: Whatever I say, listen quietly. I still pay the rent for this flat. Banks don’t download money from sky…

Amira then realizes that there is no point in arguing with Belayet as she is stubborn. He doesn’t even utter a word anymore. He took Musa in his arms and went to the children’s house and slept with them.

The alarm clock went off at seven in the morning. Amira looked fascinated at the blue sky outside. He said to himself, ‘Why did I have such a dream yesterday after 101 days?’ He yawned and walked towards the bathroom, his eyes went to his bed. He could not believe his eyes. What is he looking at? Was it not a dream? Really? Is his belayet really returned to him? Running, he removed the cigarette pack, ashtray, lighter from the bedroom, went to the kitchen and made tea.

Musa’s sleep is very thin. When mother gets up, she is not a servant to stay in bed for a moment. But he is the biggest among the three. He quickly wakes up Maher and Elin. When Elin started to cry, she held her face and whispered in her ear, ‘Daddy is here! Will not see? Let’s go! Little Elin ran after the two siblings without understanding anything. As they approached Belayat’s bed, Amira ran and took them away. Think in your mind, what will happen later. Sleep first, then go to school fresh! Whisper to the children, ‘Come to the kitchen, surprise!’

When children hear ‘surprise’, they can’t keep quiet for a minute. He ran to the kitchen and said, “What did Dad bring?” What’s the surprise? What will show? Belayet did not bring anything! Jadi pointed to the packet of chicken nuggets in the freezer and said, ‘Who’s going to eat this?’

Musa says like an expert, “But we don’t eat nuggets for breakfast!” You say that it is only for lunch?’ Amira kept touching the fridge.

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