Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bondage of Maya

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Bondage of Maya

Sometimes it seems to reduce Maya from everything. I am very surprised to hear so many inconsistent words around.

Immediately when I see that people come after someone to harm him, ten come and stand beside him to build a beautiful future for him.

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Then I get overwhelmed with emotion and forget everything.

I think there must be a reason behind harming someone.

Why should I blame everyone for that?

In fact, not all people in the world are bad.

How beautiful are the people of this world, flowers, fruits, nature, animals, and the best creatures in creation.

I will never say that there are no bad people

Of course there is.

But very few in number.

We are constantly angry, jealous, sad. Where did such and such a thousand crores of money come from? Why did he kill so-and-so and float him in pieces, why did he kill so-and-so for no reason?

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t sleep, but some helpless rotting hands and feet lying on the side of the road, long hair tangled in beards, nests of lice and wounds, some poor students cut them clean, washed them, put on new clothes, and gave good food to their mouths. No one is happy to see?

Can’t we also rejoice in their happiness and give them a peaceful sleep?

Yes I can! And because of Pari, after so many inconsistencies, how many children are struggling to change their destiny every day.

And because it is going, people still get married in the world, people grow houses, people dream of happiness.

No one can stop those who know how to dream. They don’t stop.

So I want to live even after all these inconsistencies. The mind wants to win, not lose.

Never once do I feel that I have done as much good for people as others have done.

Rather, it seems that I am insignificant in this society in this country in this world.

I could dream big too. I could have worked for the employment of lakhs of people without wasting my precious time chasing a government job which a second class boy has done.

Because he knows what is hunger, what is the need for clothes, what is the need for shelter, what is the need for treatment?

So scarcity is not a curse in everyone’s life, it can be a blessing.

These days, parents have no end of thinking about their studies and exams. If you don’t read thick text books and get A plus in the exam, there is no end to the trouble. However, many of us do not think that real knowledge of environmental conditions is necessary for real knowledge.
Perhaps this is why the poet said “Bookish Education and Another’s Money,
Neither knowledge nor wealth is necessary.

Sometimes I don’t feel like writing anything but when I remember that I came back from the path of death after reading one, I realize the power of the pen.

How much writing capacity?

If I can’t write, I get hurt. I have to stop writing too. So I want to be freed from this captive life again and again.

But I can’t because I also put food in someone’s mouth, medicine, book. I dream of living every day. I remind myself every moment that I have to take a vacation too.

I also want to live a free life.

I also want to stand by those who have no one.

This society, this country is not for anyone alone. Everyone has to take responsibility for it.

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