Friday, July 26, 2024

Women in Forty

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At 40 two mature hairs appear on their heads wrinkles appear on the skin some unwanted changes occur on the body people around remind them

Crossing 40 years is really a big deal for girls.

At forty, two mature hairs appear on their heads, wrinkles fall on the skin, some unwanted changes occur in the body, people around remind them – it’s forty? You’re the last — turning forty doesn’t matter for these reasons.

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Rather, it is important because women who reach forty are fresh, lively, confident, wise and experienced.

A woman in her forties who has been through the ups and downs of life knows what life is all about, what is the purpose of life and how to get through the bad times of life and reach the right decision without forcing or influencing anyone.

A woman in her forties has a strange glow to her face. There is a strange beauty that comes from their education and intelligence. Sometimes even the definition of so-called beauty fades to that glow.

A survey found that nearly 60 percent of women after 40 not only feel confident, but they think they can spend the happiest time of their lives at this age. After forty they feel more youthful and energetic than at any previous age.

A woman who has given a lot to life, at the age of 40, risks taking something from life. After accepting various responsibilities, rules and sacrifices, the woman sitting in the back seat for a long time gathered the courage to sit in the driving seat and turn the wheel of her life.

At forty, girls learn to speak the truth openly, to say no to dislikes without hesitation. Understand the difference between love and infatuation.

From the age of 40, girls realize that they need no one’s support but themselves.

At forty, girls don’t look for a man’s shoulder to lean on.

Forty-something women understand that there is no greater achievement than maturity, no makeup product greater than confidence, and no outfit more beautiful than personality.

It seems that girls become real people when they reach the age of 40.

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