Saturday, July 27, 2024

Toys for the North sees its most successful year yet!

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The 2022 Toys for the North campaign has come to a close and we cannot believe the generosity we have seen. O Division Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and our partners from the Canadian Toy Association, Thomson Terminals Limited and the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) have worked hard throughout the 2022 campaign to receive toys and arrange their transportation and delivery to children living in remote northern communities.

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This past year, Toys for the North has not only been able to expand into the Northwest Territories, but has received more than $470,000 in toy donations. This overwhelming support has made this year’s campaign the most successful yet. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

We have had the opportunity to speak with many of the communities who received toy donations and they are in awe of the kindness and generosity. Many of the RCMP detachments in our Northern communities had Santa himself come to give the children their presents. Thank you to those detachments for receiving the toys and making this time of year so special for so many children.

“I am blown away by the generosity of not only the Toy Industry but also by individuals who donate their time and resources to provide toys, handmade items, personalized hygiene packs and snowsuits for children across the North whom they will never meet. This generosity and kindness is what fuels the spirit of Christmas. Thank you for caring and for making a difference in so many children’s lives. Please know that this program could not grow and reach so many hearts without your support.” – Cpl. Angelique Dignard, Toys for the North Coordinator, RCMP O Division

We are very grateful for everyone who has supported the Toys for the North campaign for the past 12 years. Together, you helped create happy memories for children across Canada’s remote north. The smiling faces of the children have been the best gifts we could ever imagine receiving. We already can’t wait for the 2023 campaign!

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