Saturday, July 27, 2024

There is a saying called nature’s revenge

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There is a saying called natures revenge

Bashundhara residential area of Dhaka seems to me a strange place. A residential area virtually isolated from the main city. Even if you have to go to Bashundhara from Mahakhali, you have to travel a long way. How did such a strange residential area develop in the city of Dhaka? An important road known as Bishwa Road has become impassable for this area. There is always traffic.

In the future, the highway called 300 feet will also have the same fate. Bashundhara seems to me like a poison pore in the body of Dhaka city. My friend Shamim posted a picture of Bashundhara area. It is seen that trees have been cut down indiscriminately. Who knows when the city of Dhaka has become a desert, they are being cut!

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But 40 percent of the total area of Canada is forest. Canada is the country of clean air. Canada is also a country of clean water. The city of Toronto is called the City of Parks. In Canada, one cannot cut even a branch of one’s own tree without the city’s permission.

Roads in Canada are sometimes high, sometimes low, and make huge curves because there are no rules for cutting and leveling the ground. It should be done as it is. Because the real purpose is to protect the tree. If ever a tree becomes too much of a problem, it is moved to a safer and healthier place by a huge crane. But in our country trees are killed with great enthusiasm.

Car fumes are also the reason why urban life is stagnant today. In Canada, you can’t even think about getting off the road without fitness. In our country, a family of the new rich has three or four cars. There is no need for so many cars in a city where there is no place to walk. Nature will take revenge for this injustice and violence against nature.

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