Saturday, July 27, 2024

Supporting Inuit communities through the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee

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Since the marking of the Inuit Nunangat Statement in 2017, the Public authority of Canada and Inuit pioneers have kept on gathering every year and work together through the Inuit-Crown Organization Board (ICPC) to propel our common needs, fortify the Inuit-Crown organization, and make a more prosperous Inuit Nunangat.

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In Nain, Nunatsiavut (Northern Labrador), the ICPC met on May 12 with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Natan Obed, federal Cabinet ministers, and elected Inuit leadership from the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Makivvik, and Nunatsiavut Government.

The Advisory group supported its assessment report, which takes a gander at the initial five years of execution of the ICPC, including its victories and difficulties. ICPC effectively upholds cooperative and extraordinary activity on issues influencing Inuit, and to propel the Inuit-Crown relationship. The report suggests creating choices for making the ICPC a super durable system and expanding staffing and the executives ability to follow through on its work.

During the gathering, the Top state leader, President Obed, and ICPC individuals gained ground on a scope of needs, including wellbeing and health, monetary turn of events, Inuktut renewal, sway, guard, and security. Homelessness was also added as a new priority by leaders.

The discussions today represent a significant step toward supporting Inuit self-determination and advancing the shared objective of meaningful collaboration to create a more prosperous Inuit Nunangat. The Public authority of Canada will keep on working with Inuit initiative through the ICPC to construct a recharged Inuit-Crown relationship and advance compromise in view of certification of freedoms, regard, and organization.

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