Saturday, July 27, 2024

Should autism be hidden in schools

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Someone has autism its not something to hide and it cant be hidden for long

Someone has autism, it’s not something to hide, and it can’t be hidden for long. This time I am talking about the consequences of squeezing. First, when a child’s special needs are not communicated to the school, it has a severe impact on the child. Autistic children have several limitations (in most cases). As such, in many cases it is seen that they do not know how to regulate emotions like others. They cannot take the same pressure as other children. As a result, when they are given the same load as other normal children, which they cannot handle, they have an emotional breakdown. They suffer from inferiority complexes, think of themselves as too small, feel helpless, withdraw, and often engage in various problematic behaviors to cope with these problems. Like fighting, destroying property, throwing things etc. Sometimes the child does not want to go to school anymore, and even if he goes, he sits in one corner with a frown. This is not the end, the child comes home with a black face, and runs away from the presence of people. So, Emi’s mother, Nehal decides to tell the school. Moreover, it is something that cannot be kept secret for long, and that is not right. If behavioral treatment can be started at an early age (preferably before the age of two), the child will learn many of the same skills as other children his age. As a result, they behave more socially. But if kept hidden, and without proper treatment, the various characteristics of autism become so evident, which gradually becomes quite difficult to handle.

The behavior analyst, speaking with the client’s family, sets goals for the child to live successfully, healthily, and independently. Sometimes the client’s doctor, school teacher, or other concerned person participates in the decision. Setting this goal is very important because all planning depends on it. Goals, or goals, must be realistic, measurable, and visible. Sometimes families propose goals that are neither realistic nor measurable. In that case, the goal is finalized subject to discussion by both parties. Services or supports needed to meet these goals, such as behavioral therapy, may require speech therapy, or occupational therapy (OT). Some may or may not need a device to speak or something else. Funding can also cover the cost of purchasing these and travel to all programming.

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After applying for funding, it takes 6-10 weeks for it to be reviewed and approved. It often takes longer if the waiting list is long. But once approval is received, within 2 weeks the money is in hand for a full 1 year. After that if the money is spent in the right field, then every year after submitting the documents, assessment report, progress report etc. the full year’s expenditure is again available. Autism therapies are very expensive. It is not possible for ordinary people to continue treatment without funds. But if the rules are followed properly, this fund can be availed for life. Even the amount of this fund is so good that the client can use it for various recreational trips, sports, and cultural education including accommodation, meals and transportation after his schooling, treatment, therapy. An example can be said about Boni. He is now a man in his fifties. He has lived in a group home since the age of seven. Even though his stay, food, travel, treatment, school, therapy are all done only by funds, he regularly goes to see a movie once a month, eats a buffet at a restaurant, goes shopping three/four times a year, goes to various amusement parks with his staff. Lina (18-year-old autistic female) goes to piano classes regularly all year round, goes swimming all summer, goes to the movies 1 time a month, goes to restaurants 2 times a month, she goes to concerts often, and she also does a lot of shopping.

Grouphome life
Grouphome life is quite blissful. I spent the first four years of my life in Canada working in group homes. At that time I was doing honors in behavioral science. I had classes all day and went to work in the afternoon. I got a golden opportunity to use my own reading and the theories learned in the class. I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to work in the same field right after starting my studies, learning everything by hand. That group home was in Toronto. It was a reputed organization. There were 8/9 group homes under them, all for adults. Most of the homes were mixed men and women, but one was for women only. They also had two schools, where all clients would drive company cars with their respective staff in the morning, attend school all day, have lunch, return home in the afternoon, study, play sports, practice culture, swim, etc.

The clients were all diagnosed with multiple disabilities, although autism was universal. In addition to autism, some have or had Down syndrome, some have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), phobias, depression, bi-polar, eating disorders, depression, personality disorders, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic disorders (eg schizophrenia), paranoia). , adhd, anxiety disorder, etc. It was a different life. Very happy life there. People of all colors white-black-brown-yellow live there so friendly and close to each other that they even go home every now and then. They don’t want. The people of the house, where they used to come away and feel safe, today they are crying to see their son, daughter, brother or sister. But they don’t want to go. And why? This is their home. The members of this house are soul mates! They celebrate every turn together. New Years, Christmas, Canada’s Day, Victoria’s Day, they cheer each other, buy gifts for each other on every birthday, it’s like Eid every day!

Case 1 – Nguyen
Nguyen wakes up at 6:30 am. Now he is a Vietnamese old man, fifty-five years old. But with his coffee-cigarettes-various physical ailments, he is almost like a sixty-fifty old man. He remembers, as a child, when he was only 6 years old, his Vietnamese father and Chinese mother immigrated to Canada with his three Nguyen siblings. An elder sister of Nuyen, and a younger sister are healthy, like the other ten, she used to come home from school with a smile every day, but Nuyen always caused some trouble. Nguyen didn’t like it at all when parents scolded them in the evening about school complaints. He had some articulation problem since childhood. And now his teeth are worn out and his words are almost unintelligible. Acquaintances may understand him, but strangers do not understand him. And if he can’t say anything, he feels very restless and helpless. Nguyen’s speech is now very confusing, so not everyone can understand.

As a child, when he went to school, his friends would copy him and talk to him, which greatly angered Nguyen. Nuen Soe could accept his own shortcomings, if someone didn’t understand him at once, he would try to explain it over and over again. But when everyone started making jokes about him every day, Kanhatak can be tolerated? Nguyen started fighting at school, and the number of complaints increased. In this way, Nuyen began to grow. Once he started studying in college. He has autism, but to a very limited extent. Good at academics, Nguyen gradually became more irritable and moody due to his surroundings, and apart from autism, he also has a psychotic disorder (schizophrenia) and depression. But what happens at that age, smoking a little cigarette, drinking in the park, Lan fell in love with Nuyen, who looks handsome. Slowly, Lan and Nguyen came closer to each other. Both of them were having a great time in love. But Lan’s family got through. One day when the two were spending some personal time in the park, Lan’s older brother spotted them. They were once students of the same school. So Nguyen’s younger brother knew.

Scarborough, Canada

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