Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pull Up Your Socks and Watch for Ticks as warmer weather begins

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Saskatchewan inhabitants are being reminded to play it safe to keep away from tick nibbles as hotter weather conditions starts.

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With many individuals heading outside over the long end of the week, the Service of Wellbeing might want to advise you that ticks are much of the time tracked down in tall grass, brush, or lush regions and will lock onto individuals or pets who find any way to improve against them.

“Individuals ought to really look at themselves, their kids and their pets for ticks in the wake of investing energy outside,” Saskatchewan Vice president Clinical Wellbeing Official Dr. Julie Kryzanowski said. “Playing it safe, such as trying harder over your trouser legs and utilizing viable bug anti-agents, will decrease the gamble of tick chomps.”

The American canine tick, or wood tick, is the most well-known tick species in Saskatchewan. They are generally dynamic from spring to late-spring and can’t communicate Lyme infection to individuals.

The gamble of openness to Lyme illness, brought about by blacklegged ticks, is low in Saskatchewan.

The Service of Wellbeing teams up with the College of Saskatchewan and eTick to recognize ticks gathered in Saskatchewan. In 2022, 1,308 ticks were recognized in the territory and just 17 were blacklegged ticks. Seven of these were submitted for testing and not a single one of them tried positive for the microscopic organisms that causes Lyme sickness.

Until this point, no settled populaces of blacklegged ticks have been distinguished in Saskatchewan through dynamic reconnaissance endeavors. Individuals ought to be ready assuming they are making a trip to different regions or nations where there are laid out populaces of blacklegged ticks that can communicate Lyme infection.

To forestall tick chomps:

  • Wear light-coloured clothes so ticks can be easily seen.
  • Wear pants, long-sleeved shirts, and shoes that do not expose your bare feet.
  • Pull socks over your pant legs to prevent ticks from crawling up your legs.
  • Use insect repellents that contain DEET or Icaridin. Apply repellent to clothes as well as your skin (under sunscreen). Always read and follow the directions on the label. Some repellents may have age restrictions.
  • In Canada, clothing that has been treated with the insecticide permethrin has been approved for use by people over the age of 16.
  • Shower or bathe as soon as possible after being outside to wash off loose ticks.
  • Do full-body tick checks as soon as possible after being outside on yourself, your children, and pets.

If you find a tick attached to your skin or on your pet:

  • Carefully remove it with fine-tipped tweezers and grasp the tick’s mouthparts as close to the skin as possible.
  • For a video demonstration on how to remove a tick, please visit
  • Do not put Vaseline, gasoline, or other harmful substances on an attached tick.
  • You may also submit photos of the tick using the eTick system ( Please keep ticks in a secure container until you receive the identification results as you may be requested to submit them by mail for further study. Ticks should not be submitted by mail unless requested.
  • Ticks can be euthanized by placing them in a bag and storing them in the freezer 24 hours.
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