Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ontario Chamber Annual Report Highlights Membership Value and Impact

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The Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) released its Annual Report for the years 2022 and 2023 on April 25. Through principled policy work, value-added business services, and broad engagement to drive provincial competitiveness and economic growth, the report demonstrates the organization’s unwavering commitment to advancing its members’ interests.

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“Our network of over 60,000 members across the province is a source of tremendous pride for me because of their consistent leadership in addressing some of our most pressing issues, such as: work deficiencies, expansion, inventory network accumulations, and wellbeing framework weaknesses,” said Rocco Rossi, President and Chief, OCC. ” This report’s initiatives and outcomes demonstrate our collective capacity to have a significant impact on communities, businesses, and the economy as a whole. The actions we continue to take together in the upcoming year will determine the future prosperity, competitiveness, and productivity of Ontario.

The following are a few highlights of the Report:

  • The OCC’s signature events attracted 650 attendees, creating valuable opportunities for networking and collaboration.
  • Through 38 advocacy wins, the organization has driven positive change for businesses in Ontario, advocating for policies that support their growth and success.
  • The OCC hosted over 200 events, inspiring innovation and collaboration among Ontario’s business community.
  • With 19 publications, the OCC provided valuable insights and resources to government and the private sector, helping to inform policy decisions and promote best practices.
  • Through 5 programs, the OCC delivered tangible support to businesses across Ontario, providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed, from equity, diversity, and inclusion training to grants to support digital adoption and student placement services.
  • The OCC’s 5 policy councils have played a key role in driving policy discourse on the most pressing issues facing Ontario’s business community, helping to shape the province’s public policy landscape.

Don Ludlow, OCC Chair and VP Small Business, Royal Bank of Canada, stated, “As the Chair of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, I have witnessed the incredible capabilities and influence of the OCC and Ontario Chamber Network.” The Chamber has consistently adapted to and thrived in spite of the landscape’s constant change. The OCC has demonstrated its commitment to member support and progress by holding successful events, forming valuable partnerships, advocating for important policies, and utilizing cutting-edge technologies.

The OCC’s approach to reporting to its members undergoes a significant transformation in the 2022–2023 Annual Report. Policy report cards and policy compendium updates, which were previously available in a digital format, will now be replaced by the annual report. This new advanced approach will take into account all the more ideal and effective conveyance of basic arrangement data to individuals and partners. The OCC can ensure that policy information is easily accessible and up-to-date by providing these updates digitally, facilitating greater engagement and more successful advocacy efforts. This change mirrors the OCC’s obligation to utilizing innovation and development to more readily serve its individuals and advance the interests of Ontario’s business local area.

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