Saturday, July 27, 2024

Northern airlines are in trouble

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Disruption caused by the Covid 19 pandemic a pilot crisis across Canada and new regulations have posed a threat to airlines operating in the north

Disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, a pilot crisis across Canada and new regulations have created setbacks for airlines operating in the north. Many residents here are highly dependent on flights for transportation and transportation of goods.

Due to covid many people have left this market. Being a pilot is not as interesting as it used to be. Policies to reduce the risk associated with fatigue are reducing crew members’ time. This means airlines need more crew.

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As a result, it takes more time to gain the necessary experience. Canadian North spent five times more time on pilot training in 2022 than in the pre-Covid period. Due to these new policies, it is quite challenging for us to meet the market demand. Air travel is the only means of transportation of people and goods in the North during most of the year. So, our role is very important for the survival of northern people.

The airline has not had to cancel flights to any destination or significantly reduce the number of flights. But the tenure has been reduced.

Major airlines have reduced the number of flights across Canada as travel demand surged after the lifting of pandemic restrictions. North is also included in this. One of the reasons for reducing the number of flights is staff shortage.

Air Canada suspended flights to Edmonton and Calgary via Yellowknife last year. However, the airline said that flights to Edmonton will start in May.

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