Saturday, July 27, 2024


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I admit my emotions are a little high

I admit my emotions are a little high. Men are not supposed to be so emotional. So much emotion does not suit men. I get emotional over trivial things. Hearing about someone’s suffering brings tears to the eyes. I get emotional when I hear about someone’s illness. Hearing a good song brings tears to the eyes.

When I read a good article, I get emotional, when I see an emotional scene in a movie, my eyes get wet. Seeing someone living a difficult life also raises emotions. I cried a lot when I heard the melodious voice of a blind girl at the Indian Idol show. This happened to me after listening to an autistic boy’s song in Sa Re Ga Ma Pa.

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I myself have grown up with many struggles and struggles. Many people get emotional when I write about them. Find similarities with their own lives. They sympathize with me, consider me one of their team. This means that there are many passionate people like me. As there are women, so are men. Emotions have no gender. There is no difference between men and women in tears. I cry myself reading my writing. I cried especially when I read the writings about my mother.

Emotional people make many mistakes. Emotional people are very easy to fool. They do not realize that they are doing wrong. Even if he makes a mistake, he looks for a solution with emotion. People with less emotions make less mistakes. They make a lot of calculations. I know many people who do not make mistakes easily. Their minds are not easy to melt. They don’t have tears in their eyes. Their hearts are hard as stone. In fact, life does not run on emotions. To be successful in life one has to be realistic. The reality is very cruel.

The ruthless win. Emotions are defeated. Emotions and reality cannot coexist. Being emotional, I have made many mistakes in my life. The ones I love are the ones who hurt me. Those for whom I did it have moved away, misunderstood. used me I was knowingly used. Emotional people are more arrogant. I’m proud too. If someone misunderstands me and pushes me away, I don’t go to them again. Can’t bow down to anyone. I don’t have a tendency to move my hands. Many relationships are broken because of petty pride.

I myself make many mistakes. Many relationships have been ruined because of me too. That responsibility is entirely mine. One’s mistakes are not easily noticed. I can’t see either. I ask myself where are my mistakes? How do I make a mistake? What a big mistake! Or a small mistake! What I hurt people! Why give! I want something from someone! How can I correct my mistakes!

How to control emotions, how to stay away from pride! Find answers to all these questions. But I don’t get the answer. Life is over as soon as you know yourself. And the self is not known. is not corrected. Self is not known. This is human limitation.

There is no end to my own faults. When I face myself, I think deeply about myself and realize how flawed this life is. What kind of hypocrisy do you do? I hurt people. suffer It becomes yours after. After Then one day I discovered I was actually alone.

Toronto, Canada

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