Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Srishti is standing in front of the ICU in the corridor of the hospital holding Mrs. Supriya Dutt. Ms. Supriya’s tired face looks very dry, her hair is a little messy, she looks like she has been through a lot of stress. His head is heavy with sadness, his body is shaking gently with thought, he is holding the creation with one hand and the hem of his saree with the other hand. Standing in front of him are Anshuman, Mr. Shekhar Roy and an acquaintance of the ashram. A look of worry on everyone’s face. Then Shrishti or Anshuman rushed to this hospital after receiving a call from Mrs. Supriya in the early morning. They are shocked by what they have heard here, a dark cloud of anxiety has gathered in their minds. The worry is not only about Mrs. Rukmini Roy, but also about Aritra.

Mrs. Rukmini Roy was very ill since few days. Three days ago, he fell head over heels again at home, then he started having trouble breathing again. He was taken to a hospital in Kalyani. He was also admitted to the hospital for one day, but then the doctor discharged him as the condition was not too bad, giving him the right prescription and to take good care of him at home. Mrs. Rukmini was resting at home. But he was not very healthy. Mrs. Supriya Dutta used to go to their house and take care of her as much as possible, so that Rukmini Roy did not have to work hard in this sick body, so Mrs. Supriya used to prepare food for her and Aritra herself.

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But yesterday, who knew that such an obstacle would suddenly come down? Even before going to the boutique yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Rukmini Roy was resting, Supriya Dutta came to meet her and talk to her, from there she went to the boutique, she had some urgent work to do in the boutique. Then suddenly in the evening a call came from Mrs. Rukmini’s phone to Supriya Dutt’s phone, the call was made by a familiar lady from the neighboring house where Rukmini Dutt was staying. The lady called and said that Rukmini Roy is ill, alone at home unconscious. Ms. Supriya Dutt rushed to Rukmini Roy from the boutique on hearing the news. He was still unconscious, not opening his eyes. Aritra could not be found at home. The owner of that upper floor was also not at home, they went to their village house a day ago. Only Mrs. Rukmini Roy and Aritra are supposed to be in the lower floor of the house at that time. From the neighbor who called Supriya Dutta from Mrs. Rukmini’s phone, Supriya Dutta learned that someone had probably come to Rukmini Rayad’s house, the lady next door was teaching her son when she heard a little chirping sound from Rukmini Rayad’s house. After hearing that chilachilly, he came out at one stage. But when the lady came to this house, she did not see anyone else, the door of the house was open, Mrs. Rukmini was unconscious on the floor in front of the door. He did not see Aritra at home.

Scared of Rukmini Roy’s condition, she quickly called Supriya Dutt. Supriya Dutta was not feeling very well after seeing Mrs. Rukmini Roy’s condition, so she quickly took Mrs. Rukmini to a nearby hospital with a person she knew from her ashram. He told two people in the ashram to look for Aritra in the vicinity, but Aritra was nowhere to be found. From above Mrs. Rukmini’s condition was not very good, the doctors said that she actually had a stroke, so it is not possible to say exactly what will happen or not. After a short treatment there, the doctors there shifted Mrs. Rukmini Roy from Kalyani to this hospital in Kolkata without taking any risk. It would be two in the morning when he was brought to Calcutta in an ambulance, accompanied by Mrs. Rukmini and the trusted man of the ashram. On the one hand Aritra could not be found and on the other hand Mrs. Rukmini was in this condition.

All in all, I could not understand what not to do, how to deal with all these incidents that happened consecutively from evening to this night like Mrs. Supriya. I could not find any direction. Mrs. Rukmini was admitted to ICU, then by 4:30 Mrs. Rukmini regained consciousness, but after regaining consciousness, she started lamenting about Aritra. What can be understood by hearing Rukmini Roy’s lamentation is that Aritra was forcibly taken away by Mrs. Rukmini Roy’s elder son, Rukmini Roy did not want to let Aritra go, she came home and forcibly took the baby boy, Mrs. Rukmini Roy fell ill and had a stroke. .

His condition was already serious, he was told from above that it was not right for him to get so excited, but he did not listen to anyone in particular. The doctors forced him to push the injection, even cautioned that anything could happen but still he was not ready to listen to anything. Mrs. Supriya Dutt not knowing what to do, called the people and asked them to come here. He revealed the incident by finding the number of Mr. Shekhar Roy. After hearing all the events, Angshuman stood with a serious face, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. Strangely, he was not even informed that Mrs. Rukmini had been so ill for the past few days. So much has happened but he is getting to know now. He cannot think why no one told him about all these things or Rukmini Roy’s illness. Anshuman said in a serious tone, “You didn’t fix it moni. Why wasn’t I told earlier that Mrs. Rukmini Roy was so sick? I could never forgive myself if something happened to her, good or bad. I always wondered where I was in her situation?”

Mrs. Supriya said in a loud voice, “I wanted to tell you, Mrs. Rukmini herself did not let me know. I also did not understand that something like this would happen. After returning home from the hospital, she was taking proper rest, the medicine was working, when I went to her house, sit with me and talk with me. He was complaining about the boys the day he came back from the hospital. I thought that if he could meet or talk to the boys somehow, he would like his older son’s phone number It was I who informed his eldest son about his condition, thinking that he was his own child. He didn’t seem to care much about that formality Only. I didn’t talk to her either. Mrs. Rukmini also forbade me to say anything more to her.

I wanted to tell you that day about his illness, but Mrs. Rukmini Roy stopped me, forbade me to tell. He said he needn’t be so busy with this little ailment, it happens in old age, just tell you about this ailment and don’t worry, he will recover. I tried to convince him but he refused. That’s why I didn’t tell you the news. And I thought that since nothing happened, he would gradually recover. But I really didn’t realize something like that would happen. I couldn’t understand that his son would do something like that. Mrs. Rukmini’s condition was so bad since evening that I could not think of what to tell you in the midst of running and worrying about her at the hospital. My head was not working how to handle, what not to do. I tried to cope as much as I could. When I called you when I came to Kolkata, I saw that my phone was switched off, I don’t remember how it got switched off, I turned on the phone and saw that the phone was not working. The phone is not going anywhere. After reaching here, the running of the hospital. While doing this, this morning turned into night. I thought I would tell you in the morning without saying anything else tonight. But then Mrs. Rukmini started to regain some sense. I was very scared. This Naren Da of our ashram was with me, I took the phone from him and called you at this time.”

Mrs. Supriya Dutta burst into tears. The man is so strong, he has the power to handle many things single-handedly, or rather good circumstances have made him possess that power, but there is a very affectionate soft side to the man. He can’t bear anyone’s pain very much. He can adopt people very easily, and the suffering of his people pains him deeply. He has been seeing Mrs. Rukmini and Aritra for more than four years, a love for them works in him, so his chest is heaving with their pain. I feel very guilty. Mrs. Supriya should have informed Anshuman and Shekhar Roy about her illness without hearing Rukmini Roy’s objection. If they had been informed in advance, the situation might not have been so extreme. Why didn’t he say that! Seeing Mrs. Supriya crying, Shrishti hugged her head to his chest, tried to calm her down by comforting her. But the mind is becoming very restless even in creation.

Along with Mrs. Rukmini, he is worried about little Aritra. Is the baby boy okay where he is? where is he What is the condition? The person who took him was a member of his clan by blood, but from what he had heard it was doubtful whether he could be properly called an apan. How many enemies are killed in blood relations! How many blood relations can be seen who wear the mask of their own people and sit in secret with the desire to suck blood! In this case, the reason why Aritra was snatched away suddenly by force is not understood. If there was so much love for the child, that person would have looked for him in five years, he would not have turned away! And anyway, to think that he was taken by force out of love for the child would be absolutely foolish. Therefore, the safety of the child should be considered. What a strange magic has been created on the child in a short introduction! What a pull! His heart is now becoming so frightened at the thought of that child. Angshuman took a few steps forward, took Mrs. Supriya Dutt’s hands in hers and said in a soft voice, “Moni, please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to say that. I understand your point. What is wrong with you? You have become something you don’t know anymore.” You didn’t have to do anything. It’s done, now you need to think about what to do.”

Mr. Shekhar Roy said in a serious yet calm voice, “Please calm down, Mrs. Dutt. We are now seeing what can be done. And the search for Aritra can be found with Mrs. Rukmini Roy’s eldest son, whose name seems to be Shuvendu Roy.”

Angshuman nodded softly and said, “Yes sir. No one knows his home address at the moment, but I am asking someone from the team to find out and get his home address as soon as possible.”

Shekhar Roy nodded his head in agreement. A middle-aged doctor came out from the ICU after pushing the door. As soon as he saw her, Angshuman asked in a humble voice, “Can we meet Dr., Mrs. Rukmini Roy now?”

It was already reported that Anshu and Srishti went inside to meet Mrs. Rukmini, Shekhar Roy spoke to the hospital authorities about this. The middle-aged doctor replied in a polite tone, “Yes, it’s not visiting hours, but we allow it as an emergency. The patient is too eager to talk to you. But be a little careful inside. It’s better not to talk too much, the patient’s condition is not very good. Please tell him not to get so excited, he should stay calm. If he does that, there may be more danger. And there are other patients too, take care of them.”

Angshuman shook his head and said,
“Ok doctor, thank you.”
Anshuman looked at Mr. Shekhar Roy and motioned for them to go inside. Shrishti and Angshuman pushed the door and entered. Mrs. Rukmini was lying in bed, oxygen was running, oxygen mask was in her mouth, saline was running in her hand. How many kinds of medical equipment, things running around. Some of the patients present in the ICU room, all have their curtains drawn leaving proper space beside their beds. Shrishti and Anshuman slowly came to Mrs. Rukmini’s bedside. He tried to say what to see the people, he could not say properly, the oxygen mask on his face got in the way of speaking. He slowly raised his trembling weak left hand and removed the mask from his face. Angshuman was surprised to see such an act of his, he stopped him, said in a busy tone,
“Aunty, please don’t open it.”

A doctor who was present noticed that the mask was removed and came forward impatiently, “Tell me why you are doing this? Since then, you have not heard anything from anyone. If you do this, it will be dangerous. It is forbidden to open it!”

Mrs. Rukmini turned to Anshuman and said in a weak voice,

“There’s something I have to say, father. I can’t find peace. Let me say it. I’m not in trouble.”

Angshuman addressed the doctor on duty and said in a gentle tone,

“Doctor, please give me some time. Let him say what he wants to say, I understand him, he will read it correctly, he will listen correctly. I am taking charge for these five minutes. Please doctor.”

It is not clear how the doctor on duty took the matter, he seemed annoyed that Mrs. Rukmini was not listening. But Angshuman’s request he kept annoyed, turned away and went to the patient next to him. Anshuman moved to Mrs. Rukmini and took one of her hands in his, Mrs. Rukmini repeated,

“You have done a lot for me father. You have done a lot indeed. Do another favor, bring my grandson back to me, bring him to me anyway. Aritra has been taken away by my elder son for the greed of wealth. I am ashamed to call him my son. Rudra He has an eye on that house and what little property he has left. He was telling me that he will see Aritra after me, so he has no right to do so. All that is in Aritra’s name, he won’t get anything even if he dies. So I didn’t tell him on his face, he couldn’t do anything about it yesterday evening I said he won’t get anything. I forbade him to take the child with him. They took him away Taken away by the greed of property. I do not know how the child is. I could not keep the child. Even if I die like this, I will not find peace. What answer will I go up to my son and grandmother? Anshu, I am begging father with folded hands. Bring Aritra back to me, bring her back.”

Mrs. Rukmini’s eyes were filled with salty water. The old woman’s face looks pale, dry. Boke moaned for his grandson. While speaking the last words, he took frequent breaths, took long breaths and paused, it was clear that he was having a little trouble breathing. Creation slowly said,

“Calm down, please don’t do this. Aritra will be fine, she’ll be back.”

Anshuman pulled Mrs. Rukmini’s oxygen mask properly over her nose and placed one hand on her head and said in a calm yet firm voice,

“We’ll bring Aritra back soon aunty, I promise you. He’ll be fine. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him. But besides that, you have to get well too, don’t you? Don’t get so excited. You tell me.” I am like your son, this boy is begging you, please keep calm, listen to the doctor.

Mrs. Rukmini Roy winked, meaning yes. Angshuman gently patted her head several times, she closed her eyes, tears rolled down her eyes. How surprisingly, in the gentle touch of Anshuman on his head, he found a feeling of his own, a touch of a childlike affection. Such affection is expected from children, but she cannot expect this from her own womb, she is such a miserable mother. He is ashamed to think that they are his children. It seems that he actually had only one son, a son like a boy, a man like a human being, his younger son Rudra, but that boy also disappeared.

He loved his grandmother like a daughter, but he lost her along with his son. Before leaving, they gave this innocent part of themselves to Mrs. Rukmini. It was his duty to take care of the baby boy. But he couldn’t. If the child is not well, he will not find peace even after death. Her chest is panting for the baby. My heart is crying. He got infinite trust in Angshuman’s words, but even then, his mind does not calm down until he sees Aritra once in front of his eyes.

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